Chapter 3: Quality Time

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~Third Person~
Everyone gave their damaged armor to Coran and Allura. They said it'll take them about one quintant to get them all repaired and fixed.

Meanwhile, Pidge went to her room to study the information she got from the Galra ship, and Shiro went to the shower room, leaving Lance and Hunk to themselves in the lounge.

"Hey... Hunk?" Lance's sudden words made Hunk jump a little.

"Yeah?" "D-do you think K-Keith'll be alright?" Lance was crying. He was trying to hold back his tears, but he was failing miserably.

Hunk pulled Lance into a hug, dragging his fingers through his hair to comfort him. Lance was soon bawling his eyes out on Hunk's shirt.

"I-I just c-can't deal with the possibility of LOSING him, Hunk. I love him. We love him, Hunk. I-I don't want to lose him.." Lance was soaking Hunk's shirt with his tears, which he didn't mind. Hunk was close to tears himself, but he didn't want Lance to freak out more, so he kept it in.

"Lance.. W-we won't lose him. I promise." Hunk's voice was shaking, and he was saying that to reassure himself as much as he was reassuring Lance. Coran has stated that the healing pods don't always save humans in time, which really got the paladins worked up, especially Lance and Hunk.

Hunk smiled. "But for now, we'll have to go shower, we really stink." Lance had the faintest hint of a smile on his face.

He helped Lance up and they both started walking to the shower room, holding hands.

~Lance's POV~
On our way to the shower room, we passed Shiro, who had a black bathrobe covering himself.

Once we reached the shower room, we started taking our shirts off. I sniffed at mine. "Blegh. My shirt stinks. Pidge will really have to start making a washing machine and a dryer or something for our clothes instead of just rinsing it with soap and shower water."

Hunk sighed. "Yep." He proceeded to take off his pants, leaving him in only his yellow boxers. I had already taken my pants off and started on the warm water. I sat down, and Hunk sat down next to me after turning on the other Altean "showerhead" next to the one I turned on.

~Hunk's POV~
The warm water running down my back relaxed me. I was reaching up to get the shampoo when Lance rested his head on my shoulder. I turned around so his back was facing me. I opened the bottle and squirted some on my hands. I started to run my fingers through his hair, washing it.

I turned him around to face me. His hair was dampened, falling over his forehead. We were just looking at each other, knowing that these would be one of the only times we'd be able to spend time together in peace with almost nothing to worry about.

I leaned forward and softly placed my lips onto his. I cupped his cheeks and he rested his arms on my shoulders. He looked exhausted, so I pulled away to reach for the soap, which I then squirted onto my hands and started rubbing it all over Lance's arms, shoulders, back, chest, stomach, legs, and feet. I got some more and started washing myself while Lance was washing himself in other areas I didn't want to wash (A/N: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) and I did as well after washing myself.

I got up, and helped Lance up, who looked close to passing out. I got his blue robe and put it on him. I proceeded to put on my yellow one while Lance was drying himself.

I grabbed a hold of Lance's hand and we walked out, both of our clothes in my other arm, towards my room.

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