Chapter 19: Meeting your girlfriends parents

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(Astrid's pov)

Ah the songs of birds in the morning... doesn't get much more scenic and surreal as this. It's like adding the right amount of honey to mead... in my mind anyway, something I accidentally discovered when trying some in after my first dragon kill, not one of my best memories now but you get the point, and it is reference to what took place last night. The only thing that could make it memorable was if I woke up beside him, and this whole issue of not being able to court him never existed. But to keep it a secret, our make-out session and romantic flight lasted somewhere till midnight. After that, Hiccup brought me home and I made my way back to my room, carefully slipping in, making sure not to wake my parents or my two younger brothers.

My parents already gave me a stern talking to, demanding what happened when I searched for him. I told them it took a lot of convincing to bring him back, and I even had to threaten him with my ax to get him back to Berk. Of course I couldn't tell them what really happened since they wouldn't look at me the same way again. Being the only daughter, shield-maiden and possibly future wife of a Chief, of a highly respected family was challenging to live up to. The first two were easy, but the last one... I'm just praying to all the gods in Asgard that it won't be Snotlout.

I tossed the covers from me and swung my legs over the edge of the bed, smoothing out a few stray strands of hair that I was sure were out of place. I stretched my arms for a few seconds, before getting up and making my way over to my dresser, taking my hair brush and straightening my hair out. Once that was done, I tied my hair into its braid and placed my leather head band on... which Hiccup had made for me when we were just kids, and had been adjusting its size as we grew older. Gobber took up that job when he ran away.

I grabbed my skirt and tunic off the chair and changed out of my nightgown in quick time, and soon made my way downstairs to meet my parents and brothers who were already having breakfast.

"Stop stealing my bread buttface!"

"I'm not lizard-brains. I'm taking what you took from me!" This is what I usually wake up to every morning. Sometimes it ended with one of them tackling each other to the ground but it usually stopped once mama gave a threat or something.

"Gaulder and Rolof, please stop fighting for the bread...there's more than enough to go around." Papa said from his seat, watching the two of them continue their screaming competition.

"But dad!" Gaulder yelled.

"Will you two stop fighting like dragons and grow up!" I said as I sat down and grabbed a few slices of bread, butter and eggs on my plate.

"Oh Astrid, I meant to ask you, how's it coming on your "love prophecy?" Momma asked me, my eyes widened in surprise, I had told Hiccup if that prophecy, he revealed that the 'coal black' was a dead girlfriend of his named Heather.

"Uh... its good, I think I've found the man I want to be with."

Everyone stopped doing what they were doing, and looked at me in surprise.

"Oh? And who is this man?" Papa asked me, I blushed and spoke.

"Hiccup Haddock."

(Hiccup's pov)

Spartacus had gathered me, Crixus, Gannicus and Agron to discuss our plans of defense against the two Roman armies threatening to wash over us. We'd discussed building outposts  further from Berk with our fastest and best dragon riders, that way, if they become overrun, they retreat easily.

Spartacus noticed my face, which was deep in thought, he then broke the silence. "Hiccup, what are the lay of your thoughts?" The others turned to me, I drew out a dagger and marked Xs on two islands further from Berk. "My mother says she's allies with these two tribes, they're friends to dragons like us and can prove valuable to us." Agron cleared his throat and asks. "What do you purpose? These Vikings hate dragons, you still haven't been able to prove they're not monsters." I nodded in agreement, I'd have to show the whole village the truth about dragons.


I knew that voice. Horik Hofferson. Astrid's father.


Spartacus and the others raised their eyebrows in question I merely shook their looks off and went outside to be greeted by Astrid's father and mother.

"Sir. Ma'am." I addressed both of them, they looked at each other and then back at me. "We came to tell you that Astrid told us everything. And I mean everything." I inhaled sharply, if they knew about Toothless than...

"Calm down lad, we'll wait until you show the village the truth about dragons." Frida said, I nodded to her in thanks, Horik however still looked as if he needed convincing dragons aren't as dangerous as they've thought.

"Toothless!! Come here bud!"

Within seconds, my dragon came running toward me and hoisted me up by his snout and I went flying until I landed on his back, we both laughed and I scratched his chin. Both Hoffersons couldn't believe it. A Night Fury, playing with Hiccup as if it were an overgrown puppy.

Horik had his proof, as much as he found it difficult to believe. Once Hiccup and Toothless settled down, Hiccup waited for the Hoffersons to speak.

"Hiccup. Astrid has brutally beaten or rejected those who offered their affection for her. Despite having a Night Fury, why did she choose you?" Horik asked, Hiccup sighed heavily and answered. "Sir, she told me that she feels guilty for my supposed "death" and she wants a partner that not only admires her beauty, but someone who respects her, has her back in battle and treats her as if she's a precious diamond." Hiccup pulled out a pouch and threw to Horik.

Horik caught the pouch with ease and opened it, he gasped and showed Frida who too gasped. Inside that pouch were precious gems, that could buy you at least ten homes, livestock and other necessities. Enough gems to cover a reasonable wedding price.

"I've mined for those gems throughout the years, and I have much more wealth I've stored to cover any expenses, you wouldn't have to pay me anything." The Hoffersons looked back Hiccup with speechless faces, though the Hoffersons were excellent warriors and a well respected clan, they weren't the richest, but Hiccup gave them enough wealth to not worry about wedding debt.

"I promise you both, if I receive your blessing to wed your daughter, I promise I'll make sure she'd fed, loved and taken care of. You have my word."

Horik smiles and nodded in approval, Frida smiled too, they then ask. "Would you like dinner with us this evening?" Hiccup smiled and nodded.

"I'd love that."

(Later that night)

Astrid had had a long day. Training with Hiccup's rebel friends and pushing herself to the breaking point. After that, once it started getting dark, she went to the springs for a bath and after bathing, she dried off, brought a clean pair of clothes and boots and headed home. That is until bumped into someone.

"Watch where you're going!" She yelled, nearly toppling onto the ground.

"Well sorry you're too fat to miss us." Gaulder teased back. She felt her face turn red in anger.

No one calls her fat!

Her brothers saw this change in colour and dashed off towards their house with their sister in hot pursuit. However she did find it odd when both her brothers jumped back onto each other after opening the front door of their house. She herself nearly jumped back as well after seeing a dragon in her house.

"Toothless?" She asked, walking up to the doorway and seeing the dragon, by the fireplace, looking at her with those beady eyes. He tilted his head and gave her a gummy smile.

"Ah Astrid!" Her father said, sitting at the kitchen table. By then her brothers had recovered from their fall and were now poking their heads out from her sides. "Come in and say hello to our guest." Her father said, gesturing to the man with auburn hair and the black leather armour.


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