Chapter Twenty

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I quickly changed into my suit and got Harrison  out of the Cortex.
"What do you want?" I asked the man.
"He did this to me," he said in anger.
"Wells!," he shouted. He swung his fist towards my face and I quickly dodged it. I went to punch his face but before my hand hit it was like his cheek had turned to metal.
"Arrghhh," I said in pain. My hand was broken. The man left knowing he wouldn't get to Wells.
"Barry are you ok?" Said Caitlin rushing in only just arriving.
"What happened?" Asked Cisco.
"I was attacked," said Wells coming back into The Cortex.
"By what?" Asked Caitlin.
"A man that can turn his skin into metal," I said looking at my broken hand. Caitlin started to lit my hand in a sling.
"It should take a few hours to heal," said Caitlin.
"Thanks," I said.
"Well I gotta get to work, there has been bank robbery's that I have to investigate,"
"We'll let you know if we find out anything new on this guy," said Cisco typing on a computer.

"There have been several bank robbery's in Central City bu this guy," said Captain Singh pointing to a mug shot of the criminal. I looked closer at the photo and realised that is was the same guy while attacked Star Labs last night and that he was a bully that bullied me in school. Once the meeting was over I raced over to Star Labs.
"Barry you really have to stop running in on us like that," said Cisco picking up papers that had blown away.
"Guys the guy that attacked last night is the guy who has been robbing banks," I said.
"Well he does have meta-human powers," said Caitlin.
"And he is my childhood bully,"
"That just made things ten times worse," said Cisco.
"So have you found anything new on him?" I asked.
"Yes I have named him Girder," he said.
"Why?" I asked.
"You know a girder is a big piece of metal and he is basically a big piece of metal ," said Cisco explaining himself.
"We just let him name these guys now," said Caitlin laughing a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2018 ⏰

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