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Not really knowing what you were doing in a library, you waited on a seat. The seat was rather comfortable, a cute velvet colored cushion was sticked to the walnut wood of the chair. Cute and comfortable. You wondered how much money this costs.

"Ah, (L/n) (Y/n), correct?"

A girl with dark blue hair walked out of the door beside you. (That you more or less did not notice...)

"W-Wait, how d-did you―"

"I am the Author, I know everything about you. You may refer to me as 'Author' or 'Yumiko', if you'd like," the blue-haired girl smiled warmly. "Whoa, aren't you like 17 or―" "Yes, I don't know if I'm allowed to be an author yet, but this is a virtual world. Who cares?" She cuts you off. "Virtual world?" You asked, confused. "Why, yes. Were you not aware? We are in the internet right now. You are talking to nothing more but a hologram created by the internet." She explained. "So...wait, hold on, I thought your name was Annette?" You asked, more confused than ever. "Well, of course my real name is neither Annette or Yumiko. That will have to remain a secret. Although, in the Danganronpa community, I prefer to use my mascot, Yumiko Yamamoto," She explained. "So you came here either because you wished to see some fanfics of Kokichi Ouma or because you're bored, correct?"

You nodded.

She smiled in response. "I see, one moment." She goes back inside of the door. You wait again.

A few moments later, you heard some arguing from behind the door.

"But Yumi-chan, I want to be with you!~"

"No pranks for me, Ouma. Prank (Y/n)-san if you want."

"But, Yumi-chaaannnn--!"


You heard Author-san sigh before entering. "Sorry for the wait, I had to get Ouma." You felt your heart skip a beat. "Sheesh, so many fangirls these days...I just can't help being lovable, am I right, Yumi-chan?" Kokichi nudges Author's elbow. "Quiet, you little Hitler Gremlin." Realizing that there was someone else with them, you, Author turns towards you. "So, (L/n)-san, this is Ouma Kokichi. You probably already know that, but if you want some info about him, feel free to check the monopad in your pocket.

You did so, and when you opened the Monopad...

―  K o k i c h i   O u m a ' s   I n f o r m a t i o n  ―

○   Quite mischievous.

○   Pretty much everyone in DRV3 hates him.

(Kokichi fake cries.)

○  Despite his cute appearance, he's...different.

("Aww, I alway knew you thought I was cu―" "Stop." Author shushed him.)

○  Despite being childish, he is highly intelligent; more intelligent than anyone I have ever seen, to be honest.

○  When it comes to love, he expresses it in a strange way.

○ He may or may not have a crush on Saihara.

○  This little gremlin loves Panta.

("Who are you calling a gremlin!?" Kokichi fake cried. "Save your tears for when someone requests you to be heartbroken..." I muttered to myself.)

○  Claims that he is leading a secret organization with over 10,000 members, but in reality, it only has 10.

(Kokichi glares at Author-chan. "Yumi-chaaan! I told you not to tell anyone..." Kokichi pouted and whined. "Oh come on," Author scoffed. "Everyone who finished Danganronpa V3 knows that..." Author sighed.)

○  He's actually a bit Tsundere when you catch him off-guard or when he's alone with his crush.

("No I'm not!" Kokichi pouted.)

○  He isn't sadistic, he's just trying to get everyone to hate him so that they won't care about him.

("...why would I care if I were a burden..." Kokichi puffs his cheeks while looking away.)

○  He tends to be annoying so no one would try to get close to him.


After finishing reading, you set the Monopad down. "I'm thirsty," you said. "Ah, Yumi-chan! Why not fetch us some panta?" He clapped fancily motioning to leave you two alone. "Fine," Author hesitantly left you two. "Don't do anything stupid, Ouma."

Once Author was out of sight, Kokichi sat on the ground. "Do you have any idea why I'm here, though?" You asked. "Well, I heard Yumi-chan saying that if you request something that has to do with me, she's gonna make a simulator-thing? We're gonna be put in that virtual reality, thinking it's real, but when the story is over, it just means nothing!" He's kind of happy about this. "That's...kinda sad," you commented. "I know, right!? Emotions aren't meant to be toyed with!" He starts with his crocodile tears again.

"Alright, here's the Panta."

Author finally came back. "Yes!" He grabs a bottle and drinks it. "So, I'm assuming Ouma already told you about how the request-thing works," Author smiled gently. "Uh, yeah. So, can I really make a request?" You asked. "Of course you can," she smiled. "Just comment it down below."

"So, what's your request, m'lady?" Kokichi started jokingly. "Be patient, Ouma. She can decide when she wants to."

Kokichi Ouma Oneshots! [REQUESTS OPEN]Where stories live. Discover now