You Make Me See Colors (Kokichi Ouma x Colorblind!Reader)

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Request by: KokichiThePantaGod

Uh, okay, so I don't think females can be colorblind

So I'm just gonna make them see black and white instead of that.

idk wut dat illness where u only see black and white is called

Im so sorry


Black and white.

Those are the only colors I see.

Could they even be considered colors? I don't know.

Everyday, I get laughed at for wearing different colored socks.

Sometimes one would be pink, and the other would be yellow.

But what even is pink? Or yellow? I don't know.

I've always been insecure about that.

Why have I been cursed with monochrome vision?

Well, I got transferred to a different class.

I hope they're nice...

"Hello everyone! As you all know, we have a new student joining us today."

She had a high ponytail and a maid costume or something. You wish you could tell what colors she had. Someone as cheerful as her probably has bright colors.

...but what are bright colors?

"Her name is (L/n) (Y/n)! Please be nice to her, and don't bully her because of her monochrome vision, okay?"

A girl snickers. "She's a virgin and she can't see colors? I almost feel fuckin' sorry for her!" A girl with long hair laughed. The teacher sighs and walks up to her. "Now, Iruma-san..." she stops in front of Iruma's desk. Iruma looks at her curiously. "What did I just say?" She pulled out a knife and stabbed beside her hand. "H-Hee!" She shrieked. "Please apologize to (L/n)-san." She said with a calm smile. "S-Sorry!" Iruma stuttered.

"Good! Now, please do get along with her." The teacher smiled at you.

"She seems nice..." you thought.

A person came up to you. "Hi there! I am Akamatsu Kaede, the Ultimate Pianist!" She smiled. "Hello." You waved shyly. "Oh! This is Saihara Shuichi, the Ultimate Detective by the way!"

"A-Akamatsu-chan, m-my hat-"

"You don't need it! Besides, I gave it to Ouma-kun!" Kaede stated.

Shuichi seemed shocked at her words.

"Wh-Why Ouma-kun?!"

"So he could hide it."


"Hello~ (L/nnnnn)-chan!" A short boy approached. "Ouma-kun, where is my hat?!" Shuichi asked. "Mmm, I dunno~" 'Ouma' grinned, putting a finger up to his mouth. "Maybe I gave it to color blind." He motioned to you. "Eh?" You tilted your head.

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