Blindly Travelling To Your Heart (Kokichi Ouma x Blind!Reader)

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Request by: oumakokichispanta [Quotev]


"Oof!" You yelped as you bumped into someone. "S-Sorry!" The person laughs. "It's okay~ Nishishi!" What an odd laugh. He helps you up. "Thanks," you smiled. "Ouma-kun!" A voice called. "Aww, is Saihara-chan finally chasing after me~" He teases the other guy. "No, Kokichi, I'm just here to tell you that Tenko says (L/n)-san is blind, so be careful or she's gonna kill you," the boy says. "Oh? Really now? Hey!" The boy that helped you up tugs your arm. "You're really blind?!" You nodded your head. "Ooh, that'll make it more fun if I prank you!" He exclaimed. Worry starts to bloom in your chest. "YOU'RE NOT GONNA DO ANYTHING TO (Y/N), YOU DEGENERATE MALE!" You heard Tenko's voice scream. "Aww! Man, you guys always ruin my fun!" The childish sounding boy said. The other one sighs. "Well...s-sorry about Ouma-kun...anyway, I'm Shuichi Saihara, The Ultimate Detective." You heard this 'Shuichi' say. So, that must mean that... "And I'm Kokichi Ouma! Hope's Peak High's very own Ultimate Supreme Leader!" 'Kokichi' laughs. "And I'm Tenko Chabashira! The one that's gonna kick your asses when you do anything to Himiko or (Y/n) or any girl!" Tenko yelled as she dragged you along with her. "Um...bye! Oh, I'm (Y/n) (L/n), by the way!" You didn't bother to tell them your talent since they already know that you're the Ultimate [Talent].

"Mmm, so she's the Ultimate [Talent], eh?" Shuichi glances worriedly at Kokichi. "What are you planning?" Kokichi laughs. "Nishishi! Nothing! I just thought she was cute!" Kokichi smiled as he put his arms behind his head. "...okay." Shuichi walks away suspiciously. Kokichi smiles to himself. "Nishishi~ I wonder what class she's in~"


"A-Alright, c-class...w-we have a new s-student today..." Miss Fukawa glares at the door. "Be more welcoming, Fukawa-san..." Principal Makoto sighed. "..." Awkward silence. "Um...okay, miss (L/n), come in now," Makoto smiled nervously. Soon enough, Tenko and Himiko come in escorting you into the classroom. Once they got you in front of class, they stopped and made sure you could stand properly.

", Miss (L/n), if you would like to, please introduce yourself." Makoto smiled, you couldn't see though. "Um, o-okay," you cleared your throat. "Hi, everyone! I'm (Y/n) (L/n). You guys can call me anything you guys want, I guess," you continued. "I'm the SHSL [Talent]. And I would love to get along with each and every one of you guys! It's a shame I can't see your faces, though..." you finished. "Thank you, (L/n)," Makoto said as he gently hits Fukawa's shoulder. "...p-please take your seat, (L-L/n)..." you nodded as Tenko guided you to your seat. Little did you know to your left was Ouma. Class soon started and Fukawa started discussing some stuff.

"Oh, so it's you, (Nickname)-chan!" You knew that voice. "Hm? Ouma-kun?" You turned to him. "Nishishi, nope! It's me, Saihara-chan!" He laughs. "You're definitely Ouma-kun.." you muttered. "Aww, you saw through me! Oh wait, no you didn't! 'Cuz you're blind!" He snickers. You laughed a bit. "OI! No talking in class, bastards!" Okay, so Fukawa kinda sneezed and now she's Genocider Sho again. Great. You could die and you wouldn't even know it. "Fukawa-san! Oh, come on, do I seriously need to watch you every time you're around students!?" Makoto screeched. "Man, no wonder Mr. Togami wouldn't date a slut like you," Miu scoffed. "I could scissor you up in a jiffy, bitch!" "HEEEE!" Miu runs behind someone. "Miu, I told you not to insult the teacher..." you heard Kaede say. "Especially a...‘unique’ kind of teacher..." Kaede sighs. "Don't worry, Himiko, (Y/n)! I'll protect you guys!" Tenko grabbed your hand and pulled you and your seat away from Kokichi and Genocider Sho.

Makoto sighs. "Harukawa-chan...sorry I have to ask you this, but could you take Fukawa-san's scissors again?" Maki nods and stands up, walks casually and calmly to Fukawa and snatches the scissors. "Hey!" She groaned. "I'm gonna kill you when I get my scissors back, Naegi-kun," she huffs. "Amami?" Rantaro nods and gives Makoto a feather. Makoto grabs Fukawa's head. "Stay...still...for a bit, Fukawa-san!" Makoto finally gets the feather near her nose and makes her sneeze. "Huh...wh...wh-what happened?" Fukawa scratches her head. "You were teaching the class, Fukawa-san," Makoto smiled as if nothing happened. The bell rings.

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