Chapter 6

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Stela and Tikaani walked, slowly, down a pathway to an abandoned alley.

"Oh... yes!" Tikaani cheered and jumped into a dumpster.

Stela chuckled before she sat on the ground, feeling something come to her as she folded her legs together and slouch forward, watching him.

A memory of her doing this before... but she wasn't sure when she did.

Tikaani looked through the dumpster, shaking his head.

"Why would humans throw out such good food?" He questioned before he saw a fuzzy dark green circle, "Like this! It looks great!"

"Uh... Trakker!" Stela's eyes went wide as she got back to her feet.

But, Tikaani didn't listen and took a bite... only to spit it back up. "Oh... that is gross!"

"I was going to tell you." Stela shook her head, "This garbage is not to be eaten!"

"I see that now." Tikaani sighed, getting out of the container, "Now... where shall we sleep?"

"Forget sleep... I need some real food." Stela rubbed her stomach, "I have not eaten all day!"

"Then why don't you scram!"

They turned at the voice and gulped when they saw two Siberian Tigers casually strolling up to them.

One was a Tiger's natural orange, with black stripes.

The other was white with black stripes.

Tikaani and Stela stumbled back in fright.

Wolves and Siberian Tigers were natural enemies... mainly because the latter would try to eat the former.

"Or do you want us to make a meal out of you?!" They bared their fangs.

Stela gulped before she stepped up, baring her teeth, "You wanna mess with us? Tigers?!"

"Seff!" Tikaani pulled her back, "Do not encourage them."

"Oh? Little wolf trying to protect his mate?" The tigers mocked.

"She is not my mate." Tikaani bared his teeth, "But I am her protector while she is on this journey."

The White Siberian Tiger growled a laugh and that's when Stela and Tikaani started backing up again.

"You've got lots of nerve coming into our domain, wolves." They stepped after them.

"Your domain?" Stela questioned, "Your kind should not even be here!"

"We've wasted away in the Sikhote Alin. So here? Here in America? Every where's our domain." The natural colored Siberian Tiger countered.

"Good to know..." Stela continued to back up.

They were just about to go further when their backs hit against a brick wall.

"Not good..." They both gulped.

"Dinner time!" The Siberian Tigers licked their teeth.

But, before they could do anything, a voice shouted down to them.


They all looked up before they saw Ber and Nita jump down before them, growling at the Siberian Tigers.

"Get out of here." Ber glanced back at Stela, "Now."

"That's right... run home to your father, Canine." The White Siberian Tiger mocked.

Stela growled before looking at Tikaani, "Tikaani... you go without me."


"Now!" Stela snarled, her eyes changing to red.

Tikaani had no other choice but to bow his head before he got on a ladder attached to the side wall and weakly started to climb it.

"Stela... you too." Ber instructed.

"I'm not leaving." Stela got beside them, glaring at the Tigers, "Not without a nice kill..."

She licked her teeth before her necklace shinned at her willingness to become a Wolf.

But, before she could... Ber held up a hand, causing it to suddenly stop.

"No. Now. You don't wanna see this..." He growled, his own choker glowing as his hands changing to a large brown paw.

"We're so scared." The Siberian Tigers taunted.

"You should be," Nita growled as she flicked her wrists and her hands instantly turned black.

They got on all fours as they continued to transform into a black and brown bear.

Stela quickly backed up to the ladder, slowly climbing up it.

When Ber and Nita were finished, the young she-wolf saw that the Siberian Tigers were moving backward.

Stela frowned and stayed where she was, halfway up.

"You don't mess with humans... Tiger." Ber growled.

"Humans? Seriously?" The White Siberian Tiger growled another laugh, "You honestly think those two are humans?!"

"Doesn't matter if their human or not... you do not mess with them!" Nita snarled.

"You and what army's gonna stop us?"

With that, the Siberian Tigers lunged at the Bears.

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