Chapter 17

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The two met up with Nita, who was shaking.

"Nita?" Stela frowned.

She topped down, holding her side.

"Nita!" The two ran forward, getting down to her side.

She groaned softly, "I... I found him..."

"Tikaani?" Stela questioned.

Nita nodded softly, "Yes... but not before.... Not before...."

"Nita... Nita hey..." Stela tapped her face, "Stay with us... okay? Stay with us..."

"Give me your jacket." Clyde pulled off his.

Stela looked back at him before she pulled off the jacket she'd put on before they'd left, "What are you doing?"

"It's called 'Bandaging a Wound." Clyde replied as he tore the sleeves off each jacket and tied them together, "Nita... where'd they get you?"

She slowly moved her hand from her left side.

Clyde nodded softly before he lifted her up and wrapped the bandaging together, focusing on that part mainly.

Once it was tied a final time, he nodded.

"Alright..." Clyde breathed out, "Stela, help me lift her up."

The she-wolf nodded before pulling Nita to her feet with Clyde doing the same on the other side.

They wrapped Nita's arms around their shoulders and quickly started to lead her out.

But Nita dragged her feet in the ground.

"No... no... I... I found him... Tikaani..." Nita whimpered, "They... they cut off his necklace..."

"So?" Stela looked at him, "We'll worry about that after we get you somewhere safe."

"What about Tikaani?"

Stela bit her lip before she let Nita go, "Clyde, you keep going... if Tikaani's still here... I'm not leaving him behind."

Clyde nodded, "I'd do the same."

With that, he picked Nita up into his arms fully and carried her out.

Stela took a deep breath before she ran down the hall.

After several close calls with other Siberian Tigers, Stela finally smelled a familiar scent.

"Trakker!" She screamed when she saw her bloody guide on the ground.

She ran forward and looked him over.

"No... Stela..." He whined.

"Don't worry... I'll get you out." She insisted.

"Stela, you need to go." He bayed.

"Not without you... Trakker, I've been worried..." Stela tried to explain.

"Stela, you don't understand... he'll be back soon..." Trakker tried to reason.

"Then let me get you out of here!" Stela yowled.

"Or will you?" The Mystery Man cackled.

Stela got to her feet, turning to face him, "Who are you?!"

"You'll find out soon enough." He smirked.

The man lunged at her... but Stela readied herself.

Only... the man never connected with her.

Trakker leaped in front of her at the last moment and took the full blow.

The wolf cried in pain as he fell to the ground, curling in on himself.

"No!" Stela screamed in horror.

The mystery man growled, "Stupid wolf..." He looked back at Stela. "But no matter..."

Stela stumbled back a bit in fear.

"Now, now... little wolf..." He walked up to her, his claws coming out.

Stela hit the wall and groaned softly, "Get.... Get away from me..."

"Not happening." He denied, stepping closer.

"Get... away!" Stela screamed before it turned into a full-blown howl.

One any Wolf Chief would give.

The mystery man stumbled back in surprise, being forced to follow the hidden order and ran off again.

Stela edged back to Trakker, who was still in his ball.

"Trakker... don't worry... I'll get you out of here..." She respired softly.

"It's... too late..." He denied.

"No... Trakker... I just found you... it's not too late." Stela countered, "You're not dying... not now..."

"I'm sorry... I couldn't protect you..." Trakker let out slowly.

"Trakker..." Stela whispered.

She bit her lip before she put her hand onto his paw as hers shifted to match.


Trakker's eyes glazed over a moment later.

Tears fell from Stela's eyes as she leaned over her best friend's body.

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