Chapter 12

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"Why should we believe you, Cougar?" Ber ventured.

"Because I've been around here a lot longer than you'd expect." He replied, "Now... I know how to heal the leg properly... but it's a long shot if we don't get inside by moonrise."

"Let's go then." Stela let out.

Clyde led them down the stairs to a small room that made the three teens stand shoulder to shoulder as they walked in.

Clyde grabbed a first aid kit out of a cupboard and motioned Stela forward.

She followed the unspoken command and got up to him.

"I take it you've all met Sax?" He questioned as he opened the kit, wanting to make conversation first.

"Yeah... we were just there." Ber nodded.

"Then you know that serum she gave you? It not only helps you adjust as a human... but on nights of a moon, your animal self is most venerable to? It forces it out."

"Then why are we just standing around?" Stela's voice became raw with fright.

"Relax, Wolf," Clyde rolled his eyes as he pulled out a bottle of yellow liquid, "There's a reason I built this room. To keep the power of the moonlight out."

"How can you be sure it still won't affect me?" Stela questioned, worry still in her voice.

"Because. I've seen Wolves pass through here before." Clyde replied quickly, "Now shut up and sit like a wolf so I can get this done."

Stela did as told and sat like she would as a wolf as Clyde readied a vial.

He put it into a syringe and looked at the other two, "Did she do the same to you two?"

"Yes... but we're not affected by the moon." Nita reasoned simply.

"You are." He countered, "All animals are. Most are affected by Full moons... like, miss Wolf down here. Bears are effected on—"

"We'll worry about that later." Ber cut him off, "Just get Stela safe first."

Clyde sighed, "You'll regret that later... but fine."

He finished putting the liquid in the syringe and made sure it was working before he squatted down.

"This is gonna hurt... probably worse than Saxkirin's... but you need this if you'll be able to fight the effects of the moon." He informed her, "Ready?"

She nodded softly.

"Okay." He let out before looking at the other two, "When I pull this out, grab her."

With that said, Clyde stuck the needle into the back of Stela's neck, easily keeping clear of any major vitals, before he pushed the liquid into her system.

He pulled it out as the serum was fully injected.

Stela, for her part, was in pain beyond her understanding.

Her muscles ached and burned as she sensed the movement of the moon above them...

But they remained human.

She screamed in pain finally, her hands clawing at the ground to relieve the pain... but it did nothing to stop it.

This is where Ber and Nita grabbed her and held her down.

"Stela... Stela!" Ber shouted out to her.

The she-wolf growled in pain as the pain finally ebbed away for a final time.

"What did you just do?!" She growled at Clyde.

"That liquid? Yellow Wolfsbane."

"That could kill me!" She exclaimed in horror.

Clyde sighed softly, "You really don't know that much about your kind, do you?"

"I know enough." Stela retorted.

"Then you know Yellow Wolfsbane can only kill if ingested into your system. Not pressed directly into your system. And if done right, it can heal wounds. Such as your leg."

The trio remained silent.

"Now... I assume you'll need a place to rest, so," He waved his hand to the doorway, "There are two rooms with two beds each. Ber, you're with me. Nita, Stela, in the other."

The three nodded in agreement.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Stela growled as she was tearing the blanket she was under apart.

"If you're gonna turn your side of the room into a Wolf's den, keep it down!" Nita groaned.

But Stela didn't stop. She couldn't stop.

"Stela, I won't tell you again...." Nita frowned when she noticed what the she-wolf was doing.

"Whoa girl," Nita climbed out of bed and got over to her, pulling the blanket from her grasp, "That's enough."

"Give it back," Stela growled softly.

"I know... the first moon after your first human turn is hard... but you can't pull everything apart."

"Why not?" She snarled.

"Because, one) Clyde probably wouldn't like that, and two) a human's instinct isn't to claw at a sheet."

"A human's instinct. Not a Wolf's." Stela pointed out.

"True... but, Stela... in this form, you are to behave like a human."

"And what if I don't? What if I fail? What if I never find Trakker or prove my worth to be the leader of the Wolf Pack?" Stela questioned.

"Wait... this is what it's all about?" Nita inquired, "You're worried about your friends and Pack?"

"My family, yes." She nodded.

"You know... they'll be okay." Nita assured.

"But how can I know?" Stela wandered.

"Because. They're your relatives... and if you've taught me anything in the one day I've known you, it's that you don't give up so easily." Nita replied, "Now... come on... try to get some sleep... without destroying the rest of the sheets."

With that said, Nita got up and walked back over to her bed, laying down a moment later.

Stela just sat, in the dark and silence, for a few more minutes before she finally laid down as best as she could and closed her eyes.

But with this, came a dream.

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