Yagi Toshinori x Reader

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A treat sweeter than any Candy

(Halloween special)

It was Halloween and (Y/N) was ready to start her Trick-or-treating round in the neighborhood. She loved Halloween and Trick-or-treating when she was a child and still did.

This year she had dyed her (H/L) (H/C) hair black and she was wearing a vampire costume with a little bit of make-up. (Y/N) looked at the mirror and smiled before she left for the Trick-or-trearing round.

Time skip

(Y/N) had traveled from door-to-door about an hour and had a big bag of candy on her shoulder. There was still one house where (Y/N) wanted to go to and it was Yagi Toshinori's house.

She and Yagi had been pretty close for a while and (Y/N) was pretty sure that she had a crush on him. But she didn't believe that he felt the same way about her.

(Y/N) took a deep breath before she rang Yagi's doorbell. After a while he opened the door and (Y/N) let out a silent breath. Yagi was wearing a skeleton costume and a red and black suit on top of it. He also had a pair of white cloves and a yellow bow tie.

(Y/N) stared at him and blushed, hoping that her make-up would cover it.

"T-trick or treat?" (Y/N) stuttered and looked at Yagi.

"Alright but first you have to close your eyes" he said and smiled.

(Y/N) tilted her head a bit confused but did what he asked.

First she thought that Yagi was going to scare her but then she felt something soft agains her lips and opened her eyes. And when she did so she couldn't believe what she saw. Yagi was kissing her!

(Y/N) yelped and took a step back surprised. Yagi looked at her a bit of sadness in his eyes.

"Didn't you like it?" he asked.

(Y/N) shook her head.

"No! I mean yes! I mean..." she let out a sigh and looked at him in the eyes. "I liked it. And I like you too. I have liked you for a while now actually. But I never thought that you would feel the same way about me."

Yagi chuckled and patted her head.

"Well you were wrong about that. I have liked you too for a while now. I wasn't sure about your feelings so I decided to test them. And it seems that my test was successful."

(Y/N) blushed and smiled.

This treat is sweeter than any candy that I could ever get, she thought while holding hands with Yagi and kissing him on the lips gently in the moon light.

Anime: My Hero Academia / Boku No Hero Academia

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