Shouto Todoroki x Reader

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Warm hugs

It was a cold and snowy winter day.

(Y/N) was on her way to her school, U.A. High, with one of her classmates, Shouto Todoroki.

"That's weird, I'm sure I took my gloves with me...", (Y/N) muttered to herself as she went through her belongings in her school bag, unable to find her gloves.

"What's wrong?" Todoroki asked, while glancing (Y/N) over his shoulder.

"It seems I forgot my gloves home", the (H/C) haired female answered, letting out a sigh. "And I don't even have any pockets on my winter coat."

Todoroki hummed a bit and turned his gaze back forward, feeling bad for the (H/C) haired and (E/C) eyed girl, who he – you guessed it – happened to have a crush on.

'If only there was a way for me to help her', he though, taking a quick glance at the girl behind him. 'I didn't take gloves with me, since I have pockets, but now I really wish I'd had done otherwise.'

Some time went by in silence between the two teens, (Y/N) trying her best to keep her hands warm. She blew into her hands and rubbed them together, but that didn't help all that much. Next, she crossed her arms, but that made her look angry, which she didn't want to look like.

With a sigh of defeat, (Y/N) let her arms drop back to her sides, thinking.

'If only I'd have pockets on this coat... The next time I go to buy myself a winter coat, I'll make sure it has pockets. *sigh* Todoroki won't probably even need gloves, thanks to his Quirk... Wait that gave me an idea!'

With a few quick steps, (Y/N) was next to Todoroki, making the boy turn to her and give her a bit puzzled look. (Y/N) smiled sweetly up at him, before she wrapped her arms around Todoroki's left one, nuzzling her face to his shoulder and letting out a satisfied sigh as the warmth started to flow through her body.

Todoroki felt his cheeks heating up, as he covered his blushing face with his free hand and turned his face a bit away from the happily humming girl.

"Hmm, Todoroki is something the matter?" (Y/N) asked, tilting her head a little as she looked at her classmate. "Am I too close? I'm sorry, I didn't ask if something like this was alright with you..."

"I-it's alright", Todoroki stuttered, but kept his face hidden from (Y/N). "J-just tell me the next time, before acting so suddenly."

"Alright!" (Y/N) chimed happily and nuzzled half of her face back against Todoroki's left shoulder.

It was silent for a while once again as the two of them walked toward their school, but not for too long until (Y/N) broke the silence.

"Todoroki", she started, hearing the boy humming a bit as a sign he was listening. "If I happen to forget my gloves home some other day too... Will you help me warm up again?"

Todoroki turned his gaze at (Y/N) and nodded, a small blush still on his cheeks.

"If that will make you happy, then... Sure, I'll do it as many times as it needs to be done."

(Y/N) stared at Todoroki in awe, her (E/C) colored eyes sparkling a bit out of happiness.

"Thank you, Todoroki", she said, standing on her tip toes and giving Todoroki's cheek a quick peck. "You really are the best!"

Todoroki's eyes widened a bit as he stared at the (H/C) haired girl for a while, before turning his gaze away and feeling his face exploding with a dark blush.

Also (Y/N) felt a small blush rising on her cheeks and a giggle of happiness leaving her lips.

Todoroki glanced at his classmate from the corner of his eye, a gentle smile appearing on his lips for a few moments at the sight of (Y/N)'s blushing face and wide smile on her lips.

'If that's the sight I get to see every time I help her warm up, it's worth it', Todoroki though, secretly hoping that (Y/N) would forget her gloves at least every other day.

Anime: My Hero Academia / Boku No Hero Academia

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