Elias Ainsworth's sister one-shot

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Good memories

It was a peaceful morning at Elias Ainsworth's home. Elias and Chise sat at the kitchen's table and Elias was teaching Chise some new spells, when suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

Elias and Chise turned toward the door as Silky went to open it.

"Hello, I'm here to see Elias", a female voice could be heard saying from the door. "Does he happen to be home at the moment?"

Silky must have nodded, since there was the sound of shoes clicking against the floor as the unexpected quest stepped inside, appearing into Elias' and Chise's field of vision and making them – especially Chise – gasp slightly.

The person who had appeared from behind the corner was someone Chise had never seen before. But that wasn't the thing that had made her gasp, it was the fact that the person looked like a female version of Elias; she wore a black, long dress, her skull was smaller and more feminine that Elias' and her frame was slimmer and a bit shorter than Elias'.

"(Y/N)", Elias said, making Chise turn to her magic teacher, with her head slightly tilted in question. "I didn't expect for you to pay us a visit."

"I couldn't help than get curious after hearing about your current situation from my Familiars", (Y/N) said, chuckling heartily before she glanced at the red-haired girl who was looking between Elias and (Y/N), pure confusion written across her face. "To find a Sleigh Beggy and take her as your apprentice... My, I was so surprised when I heard about it."

With a small nod, Elias turned to Chise, gesturing toward (Y/N).

"Chise, this is (Y/N) Ainsworth, my sister", the Mage said, making a shocked expression appear on Chise's face.

"Y-you're siblings?" she asked, looking once again between the two.

(Y/N) nodded as confirmation and walked to Chise, bending over so she and Chise were face to face.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Chise", she said, her voice soft as she spoke to the young female. "I've heard so much about you. I hope my brother has taken good care of you."

Chise was slightly taken aback, but soon she nodded.

"H-he has", she said, blinking a couple of times to get rid of the last bits of surprise.

"I'm glad to hear that", (Y/N) said, and Chise could hear a smile from her voice as (Y/N) straightened her back and turned to face Elias. "It might be too late for this, but I apologize for appearing out of nowhere without any kind of warning. I hope I didn't interrupt anything important."

"Well, I was going to teach Chise some new spells, but since you're here now, would you like to teach her something?" Elias asked, making (Y/N) tilt her skull slightly, thinking about the suggestion.

"Hmm, very well", (Y/N) agreed, turning toward Chise. "Would that be alright with you, Chise?"

The read-head nodded, a shy smile on her lips. (Y/N) returned the nod and headed outside, Chise and Elias following.

"Now, have you ever heard of Elemental Magic or Elemental Manipulation, Chise?" (Y/N) asked, earning a small nod from the Sleigh Beggy.

"I've read something about it. It gives you the ability to use the elemental forces through magic."

"Exactly. I haven't specialized in Elemental Magic, but I've been studying it for some time, and at the moment I can use only the forces of water, fire, air and shadow, but there are still many more elemental forces, that can be used, for example light, electricity and earth."

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