Hizashi Yamada/Present Mic x Reader

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From childhood friends to something completely different

(Y/N), a girl who had been Hizashi Yamada's – these days better known as Present Mic – best friend.

They had met when (Y/N) had moved from a different country to Japan. She wasn't very talkative but there was one thing that she loved more than almost anything; music.

Every day she would come to school while listening to music with her headphones and humming the melody of the song she was listening to.

And this day was no exception.

Once again, (Y/N) walked to school her headphones over her ears, humming quietly. Suddenly, a boy with blonde hair and green eyes appeared in front of her and made her flinch a little.

The boy took a few steps toward (Y/N) and she took a few steps back, a bit scared. He motioned (Y/N) to take her headphones off, so (Y/N) turned her music off from her phone and lowered her headphones.

The boy smiled.

"Hey, you're the new girl, right? I am one of your classmates, Hizashi Yamada. Nice to meet you! What's your name?"

(Y/N) was a bit surprised. Or actually she was very surprised; first of all, because someone came to talk to her and second of all, because that someone was a boy.

(Y/N) wasn't sure how to respond so she just smiled shyly and looked at the ground.

"M-my name is (Y-Y/N)", she said quietly and kept her gaze down.

"(Y/N), huh? That's a pretty name!" (Y/N) heard Hizashi say and glanced him, blushing a little.


"Yeah! I think it's very pretty! And kinda cool too!"

(Y/N) smiled at Hizashi and lifted her gaze.

"Thank you. I think that your name is also cool."

"Oh yeah? Thanks, (Y/N)!"

(Y/N) nodded and looked at the school.

"Should we get going? The lesson will start soon."

Hizashi nodded and started to walk toward the school, (Y/N) by his side.

And so they two became the best of friends. Hizashi spent his time with others too, but most of his time he spent with (Y/N). Usually they talked about music and singers/bands they liked or they didn't like.

Years went by and before they even understood it themselves, Junior High School was over and (Y/N) had to move again with her family.

On the last day before the move (Y/N) went to visit Hizashi and told that they wouldn't see each other for years. After telling that, both (Y/N) and Hizashi went silent but soon (Y/N) heard sobbing. She looked at Hizashi and saw that the poor boy was crying.

"B-but I w-wanted to go t-to U.A. with y-you. I-I don't want t-to go there a-alone."

"I am sure you won't be going there alone", (Y/N) said calmly, smiling a little. "A-and I am sure t-that you are going t-to be fine."

(Y/N) was trying not to cry, but it was too much to take. She was going to move and she had to leave Hizashi, her best friend, behind.

She wrapped her arms around her friend and hugged him tightly. Hizashi hugged her back as they sat on Hizashi's bed, hugging and crying. But way too soon (Y/N) had to go back home to finish packing her things.

She and Hizashi said short and quiet farewells, hugged once more and smiled at each other. Then (Y/N) left, letting out a tired sigh as she walked back home.

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