Upa x Reader

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Happy birthday

It was a rather calm and peaceful morning at the Nanba Prison, and outside on the training grounds was Upa, doing his everyday morning tai chi (an internal Chinese martial art). Just when he had collected his thoughts and was getting ready to start, a high-pinched and cheerful voice interrupted him.

"Upa!" the voice called, and as the said short male turned around, he saw a girl, with (H/L) (H/C) hair and bright, (E/C) eyes running toward him, a wide smile on her lips.

"What is it, (Y/N)?" Upa asked, sounding a bit annoyed as the girl got to him. "You know very well that I don't like being interrupted while I am concentrating."

"I am sorry, but I just wanted to ask you one simple question, if that's okay", (Y/N) said, looking up at Upa, since she was a little bit shorter than the male. "Please? I promise that I'll leave right after you've answered."

Upa let out a heavy sigh, but nodded.

"Alright", he said and turned to (Y/N). "So, what's the question?"

(Y/N) smiled brightly, her eyes sparkling a bit.

"Well, I just wanted to know... When is your birthday?"

Upa blinked in surprise, tilting his head a little.

"My birthday? I don't know."

(Y/N) looked shocked.

"You...you don't know when your birthday is?" she repeated, sounding unbelieving. "But...but how do you celebrate it then?"

"Even if I would know when my birthday is, I wouldn't celebrate it."

"Eh? Why? What's so bad about celebrating your birthday?"

"Everything, it's just an excuse for people to party and be loud. And I hate everything like that."

"Yeah, but..."

"Didn't you say that you would leave after I answered your question?"

(Y/N) was a bit taken aback, but then she simply nodded her head and left, feeling a bit sad, but not for long as a plan started to form inside her head. A mysterious smile rose on her lips, as she made her way toward the cells.

Time skip

It was afternoon, and Upa had just finished his training, but something felt off to him. He hadn't seen (Y/N) since morning, and it was strange. Usually, she was always with him, especially when he was training, but not today.

'I wonder if something has happened to her', he thought and sighed. 'Maybe I was too cold toward her this morning and that's why she doesn't want to train with me anymore.'

Upa sighed again and started to slowly walk toward the cells, but was soon stopped by the (H/C) haired girl he had been worried about a few moments earlier. She had a bright smile on her lips like always, but her hands were behind her back, making her seem rather suspicious.

"(Y/N), is everything alright?" Upa asked and tried to steal a glimpse of the thing behind (Y/N)'s back, but she turned to the other way, preventing Upa from seeing the thing.

"Yes, everything is alright", (Y/N) answered, her smile not leaving her lips even for a second. "But there's something I would like to give you."

This made Upa even more suspicious than earlier and he frowned a bit.

"What is it?" he asked, sounding serious.

"Nothing you should be worried about. Now, would you kindly close your eyes and extend your hands forward, please?"

Upa looked at (Y/N), her sudden requests feeling suspicious, but he did as she asked anyway. After he had extended his hands forward, he felt something cool and hard being placed on them.

"Alright, you can open your eyes now", Upa heard (Y/N) say, and as he opened his eyes, he saw a small cactus in a brown plant pot on his hands.

He looked at (Y/N) in confusion, but she just smiled.

"Happy birthday!" she wished, making Upa blink a few times.

"Didn't I tell you that I don't like celebrating birthdays?"

"Yes, you did, but you don't have to worry, this celebration is just between you and me", (Y/N) explained. "After you told me that you didn't know when your birthday is, I figured out that we could celebrate it today, since it doesn't matter on which day we celebrate it. So, from now on, this day is your birthday. So, happy birthday once more!"

Upa was very confused by all this, but he didn't really hate it. Actually, it made him rather happy to be able to spend some time with only the (H/C) haired and (E/C) eyed girl. A small smile made its way on his lips, but he hid it with the cactus (Y/N) had given him as a present.

"Thank you, (Y/N), I appreciate your consideration", Upa said, making (Y/N) smile and even blush a little.

"Your welcome, Upa. And actually, I have another gift for you."

Upa tilted his head a little and lowered the cactus, giving (Y/N) an opening. She took a quick step forward, got on her tiptoes and pecked him on the lips. Upa looked shocked by her action and tried to hide his blush from her with the cactus by placing it in front of his face. (Y/N) giggled a bit, before smiling sweetly at Upa and taking his other hand in hers.

"Come on, let's go inside, so we won't get into any trouble from being outside too late", she said and started to slowly pull Upa inside while humming a little tune.

Upa was still a bit taken aback by (Y/N)'s sudden action, but soon a smile appeared on his lips and he leaned a bit closer to (Y/N), giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. This made the girl stop like a wall and turn around, cheeks as pink as a flamingo. Also Upa was blushing, but this time he didn't even try to hide it.

"T-thank you", Upa said quietly. "A-and if it would be fine with you...c-could we maybe...well...celebrate this also next year? Just the two of us?"

(Y/N) nodded, a wide smile appearing on her lips.

"Of course, we can! I'll celebrate your birthday with you as many times as you want to."

Upa smiled and gave (Y/N) a sweet kiss on the lips.

"Thank you", he said, after he had pulled back from the kiss.

"About what?" (Y/N) asked and tilted her head a little.

"For showing me that birthday is after all something worth to celebrate."

(Y/N) smiled at this and grinned.

"You're more than welcome, Upa."

And with that, they continued their way inside the Building 5.

Anime: The Numbers/Nanbaka

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