Arthur Kirkland x Reader

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Smiley face


That was what (Y/N)'s parents told her when she was little.

"No matter what happens, smile."

And so (Y/N) did, she smiled, no matter what happened.

It had been seven years since (Y/N) was born, but things weren't looking too good in her family: the four years of her childhood went very well between her parents, but then something changed. Suddenly, her parents didn't want to be close to each other, they didn't talk or spend much time together and sometimes (Y/N) heard how they shouted to each other and how her mother cried afterwards.

The next three years of (Y/N)'s life were filled with crying, shouting and depression. But through it all, (Y/N) kept smiling, because she felt like if she would stay strong and keep smiling like her parents told her to, everything would return back to normal.

But it never did.

As a result of continuous fighting and screaming to each other, (Y/N)'s parents decided that it was just easier to divorce, for both of them and for (Y/N). (Y/N)'s father applied for a single parenthood, but gave her mother a permission to see (Y/N) twice a year, which was enough for (Y/N)'s mother.

After all the paperwork and lawsuits were done, it was time for the farewells. (Y/N) and her mother hugged each other, before (Y/N) stepped into his father's car and closed the door. She watched how her parents talked for a while, maybe for the last time face to face. Then also (Y/N)'s father stepped into the car and drove away, leaving their old home and their whole old home city behind all the way to England.

12 years time skip

(Y/N) was now 19-years-old woman. She had moved to live on her own two years earlier and was doing very well on her own; she had a job, a small apartment to live in, a lot of new friends and also a boyfriend. So basically everything a young woman could ask for.

One day, one of (Y/N)'s closest friends – Arthur Kirkland – asked her to come for a visit and to have some tea and scones with him. With a wide smile, (Y/N) accepted Arthur's offer and they agreed the day and time when they would meet at Arthur's home.

As the agreed day came and (Y/N) was on her way to Arthur's home, she ran into Alfred.

"Sup, (Y/N)?" he asked, being as loud and energetic as always.

"Nothing out of usual", (Y/N) replied and gave Alfred a wide smile. "How about you?"

"Dudette, do you know at all how hard it's to get some good burgers from here? I mean, I've been looking for them the whole day and not seen even one! And I'm starving!"

(Y/N) giggled a little and shook her head.

"Well, I have to admit that it's a bit hard to find hamburgers from here compared to USA, but I am sure that you'll find some if you just keep searching. Or then you could try something new, like fish and chips, that way you would at least get some chips."

"Hmm...well, it doesn't sound too bad. Thanks, (Y/N)! See ya 'round!"

(Y/N) waved her hand as a goodbye and continued her journey toward Arthur's home.

When (Y/N) arrived and checked her watch, she saw that she was 15 minutes late for the time she had agreed with Arthur. Usually she was right on time or even a bit early, but almost never late.

Well, I am sure that Arthur understands when I tell him that I met Alfred on my way here, (Y/N) thought and knocked on her friend's front door.

Soon, the door opened, revealing the brit that (Y/N) had known for two years after moving to England. His blond hair was a bit messy and his green eyes shone in the sun light like two emeralds. He looked somehow relieved after seeing (Y/N) and let out a small sigh.

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