Elias Ainsworth x Reader

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Taking a nap together

(Y/N) was wide awake in the middle of the night. She was laying on her bed, a warm blanket over her, a soft pillow under her head and a candle lighting up the room on a table beside her.

The reason (Y/N) was awake, was because she was reading a book about magic and how it worked. So, basically, she was studying the whole night. She was so focused on the text she was reading that she didn't even notice the sun that started to rise and warm up the world with its beautiful orange and yellow toned sunbeams.

After the sun was already high on the sky and the night was long gone, (Y/N) finally finished reading the book and put it away, letting out a satisfied sigh. She got up, tidied herself and changes her clothes into a simple, (F/C) dress. Then, she went downstairs and into the kitchen, where Silky was already making breakfast.

"Good morning, Silky!" (Y/N) greeted cheerfully, getting a nod and a smile as a reply. "Do you know where Elias is?"

Silky turned around and pointed outside, toward the path that led away from the house.

"Did he go out? This early?"

Silky nodded again and turned back to the stove, continuing to make breakfast. (Y/N) hummed a little tune as she helped her by setting the plates, cups and cutlery on the table. (Y/N) also went outside and collected some flowers in a vase, putting the vase in the middle of the kitchen's table. Silky smiled as a thank you, and set a plate with a high stack of pancakes on the table. Then she did a curtsy and left the kitchen, probably to do some other chores.

(Y/N) sat down, taking a few pancakes on her plate and pouring tea in her tea cup. But as she started to eat her breakfast, something felt wrong to her. She looked around the kitchen and let out a sigh. It was too quiet and (Y/N) felt rather lonely without Elias near her. She slowly continued eating her breakfast, while waiting for the Mage to return.

(Y/N) waited and waited, finishing her breakfast and her tea, but Elias was still gone. She let out another sigh and stood up, putting her plate and tea cup away and going outside.

The air was warm and made (Y/N) smile a little. She walked along the path that led away from the house and hopped to sit on the stone wall, waiting for Elias to return. After waiting for a moment, a Cotton Fly landed on top of her head. (Y/N) giggled a little and carefully took the Cotton Fly in her arm, hugging it. She buried her face into the soft cotton wool the Cotton Fly had around its body, feeling herself sleepy. Just when her (E/C) eyes were closing and her mind was drifting into sleep, she heard a familiar voice calling her name.

"(Y/N)? Is everything alright?"

The said girl lifted her gaze and saw the familiar tall and slim figure of Elias standing a few feet away from her, his skull tilted a little in puzzlement. (Y/N) smiled and put the Cotton Fly on the stone wall, jumping down and running to Elias, hugging him.

"I missed you", she said, tightening her grip a bit.

"It seems you did", the Mage replied, returning the hug.

After a moment (Y/N) stepped back and smiled up at Elias. He looked down at her and opened his mouth a bit.

"(Y/N), have you been staying up late?" he asked, sounding concerned. "You have dark rings around your eyes."

(Y/N) touched the skin around her eyes and gasped. She lowered her gaze, blushing a bit. Elias tilted his skull in confusion and leaned closer.

"(Y/N)?" he said right into her ear, making her jump a bit and blush even more. "Can't you sleep at night? Should I make you some medicine?"

"N-no, t-that's not necessary!" (Y/N) said and lifted her gaze, waiving her hands in front of her and taking a few steps backwards. "I-it's fine! Really! I-I don't need any medi..."

Suddenly, (Y/N) felt a wave of exhaustion hitting her, black dots started to fill her field of vision and her legs gave in.

"...cine", she whispered and started to fall toward the ground, but Elias caught her and lifted her up, bridal style.

He looked at her and let out a sigh.

"What have a told you about staying up late?" he said and started to walk toward the house, (Y/N) in his arms.

"I am sorry", (Y/N) said weakly, her eyes only half open. "I won't do it again."

Elias stayed silent and when he stepped inside the living room, he sat in his armchair and set (Y/N) on his lap, not showing any signs of getting up or taking (Y/N) into her room. She looked up at him in confusion and tried to leave, but Elias tightened his hold of her, preventing her from leaving.

"Um...Elias", (Y/N) said quietly. "Could you let go? I would like to go into my room."

Elias tilted his skull, looking confused.

"Why?" he asked, like the answer wouldn't be obvious.

"So I can rest."

"But why would you waste your time and energy by going to rest in your room, when you can very well do the same thing right here and now?"

"Eh?" (Y/N) said, blushing and pushing herself a little further from Elias. "Y-you mean...o-on your l-lap?"

Elias nodded slightly.

"I thought, that when people miss each other, they want to spend time together after they meet again", Elias said, still looking a bit confused. "Or is that not true?"

"W-well, I suppose it is true, but... I-I wouldn't want to be a burden for you or..."

Elias hushed her and placed one of his hands behind (Y/N)'s head, carefully pulling her back to his chest.

"You're not a burden to me", he said calmly, his voice making (Y/N) relax. "You've never been and will never be a burden to me. When I am with you, I feel at ease and that feeling is already enough for me to want to be near you."

(Y/N) smiled and closed her eyes, soon falling asleep on Elias' lap. The Mage looked at her and slowly moved some (H/C) locks of hair away from (Y/N)'s face to behind her ear. He felt a warm feeling in his chest, no quite sure what it was, but he enjoyed it anyway.

Very carefully, Elias bended down and touched (Y/N)'s forehead with his skull. That was the best kissing attempt he could possibly do in the form he was in, at that moment. He leaned his body against the back of the armchair and his chin against his other hand, watching the (H/C) haired girl in his arms. If he would have had lips, they would have curled upwards into a smile. Letting out a silent sigh, Elias leaned his head back and after a while, also he was deep asleep.

Anime: The Ancient Magus' Bride/Mahoutsukai No Yome

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