Levi Ackerman x Reader

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After all those years that were full of fear, death, despair and lost dreams, it was finally over. All the Titans were dead. Humanity had a chance to do something, it hadn't done in years; it had a chance to dream and live freely.

It's all over, (Y/N) thought and couldn't almost believe it. All these years we have been fighting to stay alive and now it's all over. We can live and dream. We have...freedom.

The word made her heart beat a bit faster and she couldn't help but smile and almost scream out of joy. Well, she wasn't the only one.

Some other members of the Survey Corps were shouting and screaming from top of their lungs, some were hugging each other and crying and others...well, they were just staring in the distance, probably trying to figure out, what had just happened.

"(Y/N)!" someone shouted and ran to her. It was Eren. "We...we made it, (Y/N)! We killed them! We are free!"

"Yeah, we are free", (Y/N) repeated, since she wasn't sure what to say or do. "It's over, Eren. We really made it."

Eren's eyes shone and all of a sudden he hugged (Y/N).

"It's just so hard to believe. It's been so many years since this nightmare started. A-and now it's all over. All those people who sacrificed themselves for humanity and freedom...they didn't die in vain."

(Y/N) hugged him back and smiled.

"I guess you're right. It's a pity that they aren't here to see this day and celebrate with us, but they didn't certainly die in vain. I hope their souls will rest in peace."

Eren nodded and took a few steps back. He smiled and walked to Mikasa, who was talking with Armin, but kept glancing at Eren's direction once in a while.

(Y/N) let out a quiet laughter. Mikasa and Eren were meant for each other. Eren didn't seem to notice it yet, but maybe someday he would. (Y/N) heard steps approaching her from behind but she didn't bother to turn around and see who it was.

"Oi, what are you laughing at, brat?" (Y/N) heard a way too familiar and a bit annoyed voice, ask.

"O-oh, n-nothing, Captain", she said and turned around, saluting.

Levi studied (Y/N)'s expression with his grey eyes for a while before he'tch'-ed and walked away. (Y/N) relaxed a bit and turned around, starting to walk toward Eren's, Mikasa's and Armin's direction. But she stopped when she heard someone calling her name very loudly.

"(Y/N)!" the person shouted and just when (Y/N) turned around, she was tackled to the ground by Hange.

"(Y/N)! Oh, I am so happy that you're still alive! I came up with an idea how to celebrate our victory against the Titans! Let's held a huge party that will last for at least a week! What do you say? Sounds good, right?"

"A party? Well, it doesn't sound that bad but I am not sure what the others will say about it...especially Captain."

"Oh, don't worry about it. Erwin thinks it's a good idea so it's alright. Well, he thought a week is too much, but at last it will last for a few days. And why do you even think about Levi's opinion? I guess he would say 'no' to almost everything I would suggest."

"Well, he just doesn't seem like a person who would like parties or other things like that."

"Hmm, you have a point...but whatever. He can leave after a short while if he wants. So don't bother your mind with it. Or...do you want to bother your mind with Levi?"

(Y/N) felt herself blushing as she shook her head and looked away.

"I-I didn't mean it t-that way! I-I just don't want that h-he feels uncomfortable. And besides he's much older than me."

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