the goodbye short story when i lost my best friend

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It was the day after Damien left Ishi to go to a important thing with Thorn. Ishi sat on her bedroom bed trying to calm down. "I can't believe I lost another child......and he rape m-me.....what happens if I'm...god please no.." She whispers in tears. Suddenly someone appears infront of her. "Hey sis~ you didn't kill me~" a voice purrs. Ishis eyes widen. Lucia grabs Ishi by the arm and teleports them in New York City, In a alley. "Daichi ya there?" She calls out. Daichi appears behind Ishi and smirks. "Yup." He whispers in her ear. Ishi close her eyes tight and form her dark red wings out. She was about to fly off till Daichi tore one wing off and Lucia the other. Ishi suddenly screams in pain. Daichi and Lucia smirk. "Now the queen won't be able to go home. Cause your wings. Is where your teleporting powers came from. Only your husband can get your powers back. well Since this isn't your home. Goodluck on finding it~" Lucia sang. "Hope you have a lonely year~ " Daichi sang too. They teleport gone. Ishi cries in her hands. Her powers, all powers were gone. She couldn't even get a hold of Damien in her mind. She stands up shaking badly as she walks to a pay phone. She had a some cash in her shorts. She calls Damien's phone. It went straight to voicemail. "D-Damien....I'm trap in New York....m-m-my wings...gone....powers gone...I can't find our home....and I'm s-s-scared....I k-know you're busy but......h-help...p-please" someone cut her off. "Hey babe what's up~?" A man voice says by her. "L-leave me alone...I'm not your babe!" "Is that your boyfriend on the phone~?" He chimes. She growls in tears as she glares at him. "He's my husband.....-turns back on him-....Damien....please help...I need you know.....I guess I have to travel around states till I f-find a way back home to you....I love you....bye.." She whispers and hunga up. She turns and fist punches the guy that was flirting with her but SHE dodges. "Fucker!!" She yells. "Chill chill. I'm a girl....If you look closely....names Lola Van ya do Darlin~?" She smiles brightly. Ishi clentches her fists. "Horribly....I want to go home" she starts crying loudly. Lola pats her bloody torn back an she winces very loudly. "Let me help you ok? Lets go to a hospital.." She whispers. Ishi hesitates but nods and they go to the hospital by them. 

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