Chapter One

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                                                                               (Adam's point of view)

"Waking up every morning on a Nemsword Starship was not what I had in mind when I joined their ranks. All the noises, the alarms, the machines walking the corridors of the ship, hearing their footsteps as they pass by the rooms of the crew. It made me crazy, I wanted to stop! It was a new day in sector 47, The Nemsword empire had located a small volcanic planet and wanted to build a base on it. General Zalazar was in command of the building, for me it was the first time I visited that place. It was quite impressive, the structure was located over a giant mountain surrounded by magma, no entrance on foot but only by air, as the starship started landing, I could see the machines already working. We made our way to the landing platform, we were expected by Master Rohnan and another machine I had never seen before, they both where waiting for my arrival.

"Welcome to vaha-leh, second planet in sector 47. My name is D.3.D.4 I will be assisting you on your visit here Master Walst!  -the machine spoke to me

"Greetings Dark caster, I was expecting your arrival later" -master Rohnan said

" I apologize for my early arrival; something came up and I needed to see this information myself. It's about the lost crew on sector 78." - I replied 

The machine took my belongings and proceeded to take it away to the command center. As we walked there, I could see the different machines held inside, it was preparing an army. Thousands of machines where on storage, awaiting the moment to be activated and begin the killings. As we reached the main room, I was introduced to General Zalazar, I was surprised to learn he was not human, but an alien race called Kathar, Green colored, three eyes and with a long black beard. His hands had long fingers, it reached me to take my hand and salute me, but I simply ignored the gesture and turned to Master Rohnan, I needed the information on a lost crew that crashed landed on a desert planet called Kanto, house of the Daughtan a Ferocious alien race known for their big and strong body, very violent creatures. The crew contained one of the only friends I had made so far on the Nemsword empire, private John Wyatts. His ship was shoot down on sector 78 by a gang of Reavers, space pirates for short. 

"If the information is correct, the ship crashed landed on the north area of the planet, it is possible the crew could have survived, but knowing its Daughtan Territory, it's hard to believe so" - Zalazar told me 

" Master Rohnan, I ask to go myself to sector 78 and secure the crew, bring them to the nearest post and return here"

"Very well, Go. Just before you get there, I have something important to discuss with you, if you can listen." -Rohnan replied

With a head gesture he cleared the room, and everyone left us alone, he walked to the giant monitors on the room and proceed to make a search, when he had all the information, he turned to me and started to explain his plan.

" Dark Caster... we need to try this topic with extreme caution, no one must know of this plan. Now, I need you to accept the contract and finish it. you see, when we left Seratia, you ordered to destroy the ceremony temple. And since then, every old light guardian has been hiding, it's been three years since you become my apprentice, and you have become even more powerful than you were." 

" I understand... what's your point master?"

" My agents of the Nine have been searching, for the old guardians' locations. Once we find one, I shall send you to visit them... and one by one..."

" You want me to kill them?!" - I was shocked 

" It is for a greater purpose, you see... every old light guardian has a light bracelet, each one with unique abilities, so for each one... more and more power will come" - he replied viciously    

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