Small game... Again... Cause I want to interact with you... Love me!

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So... Since monster hunter world has been a huge hit since it released and I've been a fan since the first monster hunter game although it's hard to find these games since it's Japan exclusive, I thought it be a fun idea to ask you, what monster would the reader be? This may become a RWBY story or maybe a different story like another Familiar of zero or Monster Musume, Etc. So I would like for you if you want to, to pick maybe one to maybe three or five monsters from any monster hunter games. For example.

Deviljho male reader.

Anjanath male reader. [Fav Monster]

[Don't ask]

Jagras male reader.

And Barroth Male Reader.

So have fun and I'll look through your list and see which is awesome and then I'll Comment and subscribe and activate that bell... Ok bye-bye!!!

Rise of the fallen Reaper [Rwby X Male reader, Reaper Sequel]Where stories live. Discover now