Chapter VIII: Meeting a Goddess and the Meaning of Truth

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The soldiers followed Ruto down the mountain and into the area of Lake Hylia. They set their base up at the top of Zora's Domain because that was Ruto's home. Valerie and her allies try to think of a way to open the doors to the Water Temple.

"Our brainstorming will have to wait. We have company!" Sheik runs up the stairs, informing the allied heroes. "Skeletons and Lizalfoses."

"Not in my domain!" Ruto hurries out of the base and follows Sheik down the stairs.

Valerie rolls her eyes at the princess's rash decisions. "Impa, follow me. I have an idea. Darunia, protect the base!"

Darunia gives a thumbs up and Impa follows Valerie out of the Keep. They head out a different way than Ruto and Sheik. Their path is an icy hill going up. Impa doesn't question Valerie as they climb, but does hesitate when Valerie jumps off the ledge.

Valerie's ponytail falls out as gravity pulls her down. Right before she hits the ground, she positions herself and rolls on the ground. Valerie looks up at Impa and the rest. "The element of surprise! It's not that bad of a jump!"

Nodding, Impa follows Valerie off the ledge and the rest of the soldiers follow. None of them were hurt, surprisingly. Valerie tries to put her crazy hair back up, but it doesn't stay without her thick scrunchie. "Ugh, whatever." Valerie brushes her bouncy hair to the side and runs onto the grassy field.

"Oh no! Someone, help!" Ruto yells, catching Valerie's attention. The yellow heroine rushes toward the Zora princess and attacks one of the two Lizalfos. Surprisingly, Ruto helps and the lizards are defeated.

"Hylian soldiers! I command you to stand down!" Valerie and Impa look at each other with wide eyes. They know that voice.

"She would never say that, Impa. It's not her." Valerie tries to reassure Impa who nods.

"You hear that, soldiers?! This isn't the real Zelda we know! Don't listen to her!" Even though Impa sounded confident, the soldiers can't help but lose some of their morale.

Valerie goes over to Ruto and asks, "Do you know how to get inside the Temple?"

Ruto thinks about it for a second, scanning the area around her. She looks to her left, seeing the Lakeside Keep and her expression changes. "There's a floodgate switch in that Keep! We need to capture it."

Valerie nods and starts escorting Ruto until the fake Zelda speaks up again. "Oh no you don't. Minions, after their base! Tear them down from their core!"

"No!" Valerie forgets about Ruto, thinking she can take care of herself from the Stalfoses, and runs across the grass to the Keep on the east side. She runs past Impa who yells, "What are you doing?! You need to protect Ruto!"

"The base is more important at the moment!" Valerie sees at least five Lizalfoses run up the stairs and into the base. She starts to run again, but stops when she hears the Goron Chief yell at her.

"I can handle this! You need to help Ruto!" Valerie gets frustrated at the Goron for his demand. Why was he on Impa's side in this?! Why can't he just let her help? They need her to help take down all those enemies!

"No! I'm coming to help!" Valerie makes up her mind, deciding that no matter what they say she will help anyway. They'll thank her later. But she was wrong; it only took one question for her to stop running again.

"Don't you trust me?!" Darunia was expecting some kind of smart remark from the girl, but all he got was silence. Valerie looks toward the stairs, seeing Sheik help Darunia with the Lizalfoses. She looks behind her at Ruto, who is struggling to get inside the Lakeside Keep. Valerie understands.

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