Chapter XX: The Final Stand Part 1

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Side by side, the allies walk together through the treeline. The sky gets uncomfortably darker every step they take, but still no one says a word. Instead, their expressions stay firm as they walk. They are going to take their home back.

"Is that smoke?" Reyna's voice cuts through the wispy sound of the wind, making everyone stop and look toward where she's pointing. Sure enough, a little ways ahead of them is rising black smoke.

Zelda steps forward and clenches her hands into fists. "It's a fire. That's near the town! Is Ganondorf that careless to set the forest on fire near the people?!"

"No, Princess, that is the town. It's the market." Impa unscheaths her Biggoron Sword and rushes forward. Everyone follows her and in no time, they are out of the treeline.

Hyrule Field is completely destroyed. The grass is singed black and the earth has cracked with lava oozing out. All the trees are dead, and most of them are toppled over. The walls of the Keeps are still standing, but are in rough shape. The sky is black with red swirls surrounding the hilt of a giant sword sticking out of the ground.

"My people..." Zelda puts her hands over her heart and tries to keep the tears from spilling out of her bright blue eyes.

"Not anymore, Zelda!" A loud, booming voice projects over the field, but the allies can't find the source. However, they know for sure it's Ganondorf. "This is my land now, and you are all trespassing!"

Out of the many Keeps, Hylian soldiers and Ganondorf's skeleton monsters emerge. Amongst them are many Stalmasters and Dinolfloses pushing their way to the front of the line. The allies are surrounded.

"Hylian soldiers, I order you to stand down!" Impa attempts to control the army, but they aren't listening. She realizes that Ganondorf must have them under some kind of trance.

"It's no use, Ganondorf has control of their minds!" Peyton unscrolls her spells and looks around at everyone. "Cover for me. I may be able to reverse the effects. I just need time. You may want to also think of a plan!"

Peyton starts scanning her spells when suddenly a piercing scream cuts through the field. Naomi unstraps her spear from her back and looks toward the market. "We need to help the people."

"I should go and help the people. I would like Impa, Carol, Fi, and Agitha to come with me." Zelda summons her rapier and the four in question nod. "I trust the rest of you to think of a plan!"

Zelda, Fi, Carol, Agitha, and Impa don't waste another second. Together they rush into the town and head for the market.

Darunia scans over the map of Hyrule Field that he was given and knows exactly what to do. "The Central Keep is where everything is coming from. It's sort of their miniature Allied Base. I can set up a bombchu at the Mountain Keep and blow a hole in the side of the Central Keep so we can get in and take it."

"Why not just set up the bombchu right next to the Central Keep?" Midna rolls her eyes, thinking this plan could be a lot easier than they are making it out to be.

"No. All of the equipment for the bombchu is in the Mountain Keep. We need to take the Mountain Keep first, set up the bombchu, and help it get to the Central Keep." Darunia points at his map as he explains the plan, and everyone agrees.

"Alright, then that's our plan. Ghirahim, Link, and Lana, stay here with Peyton and keep her protected. The rest of us will-" Reyna is cut off by Ganondorf's projected voice.

"You think I'd just let you carry out your pathetic plan?! From the depths of the Twilight, I summon Argorok!" A loud explosion is heard after Ganondorf's threat. Suddenly, a giant dragon once seen by Lana, Midna, Agitha, and Naomi flies down from the sky and lands right by the Southern Keep.

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