|Shot 82| • Notes • |Stenbrough|

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This one is inspired by a beautiful oneshot (Beautiful Birds) written by AestheticClown 
It's so cute I was inspired to write one similar, but please read theirs first ~Jae👑

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"Ugh, finally we can escape now" I groaned jokingly to Bill who walked close by my side as we all but ran to my locker.

"I kn-know, right?" he chuckled.

I snickered as I dialed my combo and opened my locker.

"Suh-So, what d-do you wanna do after suh-school?" Bill asked as he leaned against the lockers.

"I dunno. Video games at my place?" I suggested as I opened my locker, but as soon as it opened, a few papers flew out and fluttered to the floor.

Bill smiled and kneeled down with me to help pick them up. He handed them and to me and I shoved them back in my locker.

"Thanks" I smiled, and glanced at the papers.

One of them was unfamiliar. I frowned curiously and studied it in my hands.

"Wha-What is it?" Bill questioned.

The paper was a drawing - a beautiful one at that - of a bird. But not just any bird, one of my favorite birds: the dove.

"It's...It's a drawing" I muttered, and revealed it to him.

He eyed it curiously and smiled.

"Huh. Wuh-Wonder who it's f-from" he shrugged.

"It's really good...any idea who might've done it?" I queried him.

His cheeks flushed red and he shook his head.


"Hmm" I hummed, and slid the drawing neatly into my backpack before slinging it over my shoulder and closing my locker.

Bill grinned and wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we strode out of the school building and towards my house.


I tried sleeping that night, but I couldn't stop thinking about that drawing someone slipped into my locker.

It was a really good drawing. Not only that, but the person must have known that I love birds, and doves specifically. It was signed with only a heart.

Me? Stanley Uris? Has an admirer?


I'm no one special.

But still...who would gift that drawing to me? The only one I knew could be capable would be Bill, but it couldn't be him. He doesn't like me like that.

Why would he?

I'm just Stan Uris, the OCD freak. We're best friends, that's it. I shouldn't expect anything more.

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