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They say blue is symbolic to the sky.

Beautiful fluffy white clouds drifting peacefully and slowly across a canvas of bright pleasing blue.

They say blue is symbolic to the ocean.

Fish, dolphins, and other water breathers swimming rapidly through the crisp, cold waters of the deep blue sea.

They say blue is calming and soothing.

A healer is associated to this color, or perhaps even one who is at peace with the world, one who hasn't a single care but the feel of the wind on their skin and the sun beaming down on them softly, spreading it's warm rays of light down to comfort the billions of awaiting humans down below.

Kihara's eyes fluttered closed, drinking in the warm sunlight that carassed itself lovingly across her pale, milky skin.

Her soft short blue hair remained still near her shoulders, not moving even an inch from the gentle breeze that had ensued.The two strands of white on either side visibly noticable in the sunlight.

Kihara's eyes slowly opened to reveal that they were of no special quality. Unlike her extravagant bright blue hair, her eyes were pitch black like the abyss or like a sky devoid of stars and an adequate source of moonlight.

Kihara Hīrā was the sun.

She just wished she had someone to indulge in her relaxation and joy with her.

She wish she had a moon, one she could call her own and hold close when the night is cold for even the warmness of her sun...

"Kihara" a elder woman's voice called "come inside quickly, breakfast is ready."

The voice retreated and, torn away from her sunbathing, Kihara allowed her feet to lead her back into the small yet comfortable home.

There was no father figure present in this abode and they surely didn't need one. Simply a mother and her two beautifully developed daughters; one of those daughters being our lovely Kihara.

The other, younger yet, stunning sister was small Hana.

Unlike her elder sister, Hana had pitch black hair like her mother's and black eyes to accompany it. Kihara's unusual blue hair was inherited from her father, a man she has no desire or hopes to meet.

"Today you should go and collect herbs" Kihara and Hana's mother spoke gently "if you ever hope to marry, you need to make a name for yourself, Kihara, as a good healer."

"That's no fair!" Hana pouted with crossed arms "I too want to be a healer and show my worth, I deserve the right to marry and have suitors as Kihara does!"

"When you're older, Hana."

That's right.

Kihara had attractors as she liked to call them. In her eyes they were far from suitors, simply men that wanted to either use her for her powers, or as a tool of reproduction.

The place where they lived was no village. It was not near the infamous Konohagakure or Kirigakure.


This was the Hīrā clan.

Population: 134
Abilities: Healing, and wind
Traits: Quiet, observant, fragile.

The Hīrā have been hunted for years, their powers harvested and turned into temporary medicine for Shinobi during the previous war efforts. A clan that once harbored thousands had dropped to what might be considered a handful in this cruel world.

To be a Hīrā was a burden upon itself, to have hair of such vibrancy, was like holding a sign above one's head saying "Fresh Meat."

"Thank you, mother" Kihara uttered, planting a kiss upon said woman's cheek "breakfast was delicious."

With that, she retired to her room to prepare herself for her herb gathering.

~N E V E R M O R E~


hey say that the sun sleeps at night so that she could spread her love to the moon.

They say the moon sleeps in the morning to return life back to the sun, to his lover.

They say the moon could not survive without the sun, they go hand in hand. The moon relies on the sun for warmth and light, and the sun graciously provided it.

Itachi Uchiha was the moon.

He had no sun to provide him warmth and comfort, no light rays to keep him from fading at night. He was dark and cold and frankly, he was content with that.

He didn't want a sun.

He didn't need a sun.

He was the moon and he was content with that. Only that.

The Uchiha glanced around the hideout at everyone present.

The bad mouthed Jashinist and his money freak of a partner. The explosion addict and his puppeteer of a partner. The paper angel. The blue skinned shark of a man.

So many different faces all with unique personalities.

Each sun had a moon.

Hidan to Kakuza

Deidara to Sasori

Kisame to Zetsu

Konan to Pein/Pain

They all fit each other well and we're content with that, content with the warmth the sun provided and the beauty the moon provided.

'People betray you for the fun of it' he thought to himself 'why have a sun when you can have stars? Many sources of warmth at your disposal to use and dispose of as you see fit.'


That suited the Uchiha much better, instead of having a sun to cherish...He will have stars to toy with.

And when he finds his sun, he will crush it.

~N E V E R M O R E~

And when she finds her moon, she will cherish it.
Why am I starting another book? I don't know, I need to finish the one I already have before I do shit like this but Itachi has been on my mind lately so hopefully this goes well. And hopefully you guys like it cause I swear if I make the Akatsuki characters seem OOC I'mma kill myself.


*I don't own Naruto, obviously*

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