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The sun was too kind.

It provided warmth so willingly to any and all people; no matter who that person may be.

A mother, a priest...

...a murderer, a rapist.

So how was it that the ever so delicate sun was entrapped with this group of human filth?

How was it that, the sun, whom is a pure and delicate thing...a most wonderful creation blessed by God; with such lowly scum? Associated with people who are little more then the black, decaying gum which so nastily clung to the pavement.

Oh to think--!

That the sun had been roped in so unwillingly like a frightened and deranged farm animal thrashing about for some sort of freedom only to meet their slow demise and be fed into the belly of the beast that is humanity.

Oh to think--!!

That the sun which provided it's silky rays of warmth could be tamed so effortlessly like a lion tamer with his whip crackling through the air so fiercely as though the God of Lightning himself were bringing down divine retribution!


And only to think...

That soon, perhaps sooner then she cared to admit...this poor tamed little sun would find a moon.


He will be the end of her.

~N E V E R M O R E~

Sasori stepped into the woman's room without saying anything and she just watched him, slightly worried of what he had in mind.

She hadn't know this man long, she hadn't known any of them long for that matter, but he surely didn't seem like the type to hold a friendly conversation out of the blue. Nor did he seem like the type of man to push himself on a woman either, so for when questioning his motives; the healer couldn't think of anything.

Kihara slowly closed the door and faced the puppeteer as he stared at her silently, as though formulating in his head what to say first.

"That woman today" he finally began, causing the healer to tense slightly "the one we encountered, do you know who she was?"

'So that's the only thing he wanted to know' Kihara thought, biting her bottom lip slightly 'that's natural for him to be curious about it.'

However, she couldn't shake the nagging feeling in her gut that, that wasn't the gist of it. She trusted the puppeteer,for whatever reason his simple act of kindness by supplying her that wood for the infirmary warmed her heart...but this feeling.

'Something isn't right.'

"No, I don't" she finally replied, staring into his grey-brown eyes which seemed to have not a shred of emotion in them "I was just as surprised as you were when she showed up."

"I see" he pondered "that's all I needed to know.".

He continued to stand there and Kihara averted her gaze from his eyes before staring at his shoulder.

"Why'd you need to know?"

"Pain wanted a report "

"Deidara couldn't have done it?"

"Is there a problem with me?"

"No!!" The healer lied hastily "I just...I assumed he would be the one to come and get the details...that's all."

The puppeteer hummed thoughtfully then took a step closer, and wasn't surprised nor offended when the woman took a step back, almost as if on impulse

"You're scared of me."

The healer slowly turned her gaze upon him again and saw his eyes still held no sort of emotion in them. She gulped nervously and took another step back as her back hit the while, causing her to quickly hold back a sigh.

Of course this would happen to her.

Sasori took another step forward and she couldn't do anything but watch as he closed the distance between them.

"I'm a puppeteer, Kihara" he said, his eyes scanning the woman "I like to collect bodies and make puppets. My puppets are works of art, they're masterpieces, there are many I'm quite proud of, but..."

He stroked the back of his hand against the healer's cheek as her eyes widened.

"I don't have a puppy with such exquisite blue hair like yours...not yet."

Kihara gasped in shock and fear and she quickly slapped the puppeteer's hand away before moving to the other side of the room, practically sprinting.

They were in this room alone, if he locked the door and approched her suddenly what was she to do? Fight? Try and scream for help and hope one of the other members had a heart enough to help her?

Konan might be inclined to help her but what was the possibility of her showing up and not someone else like Hidan? Who would simply watch whatever fate would be inflicted upon her by the puppeteer.


She tensed up as he spoke again and looked at him to see that still blank look in his eyes.

"This is where I leave you, Kihara."

And with that, the puppeteer strode over to the door, opened it and walked out.

Leaving the healer to sink to her knees, shaking as she listened to her own heartbeat thrashing wildly in her chest.

~N E V E R M O R E~

"You look tired" Konan observed worridely "are you ok?"

Kihara stopped eating and looked up at the woman to see her amber eyes watching her curiously, a hint of worry in them. The healer looked around the room and saw Deidara and Hidan watching her in confusion as the others continued eating, yet obviously listening in.

Sasori, who didn't need to eat apparently, was sitting in the living room reading, not at all caring about the conversation at hand

"I'm...fine" Kihara reassured "just didn't get much sleep last night, I had...a lot on my mind."

'By a lot I mean Sasori of course...'

"Well that's no excuse bitch" Hidan scoffed "today we're heading out and you're coming with us! Got it?!

"Sure" she sighed "where are we going today?"

Hey guys!! That was the end if chapter.10!! I hope you enjoyed it!!

Me: What is Sasori planning? Is he going to hurt Kihara? Are we gonna see the cutie Naruto?! WHEN WILL KIHARA AND ITACHI ROMANCE? Only time will tell!

Kihara: This is tedious

Me: Keep reading to find out!

~I don't own Naruto, obviously~

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2019 ⏰

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