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Step 1: Repair the infirmary

This was proving to be easier said then done...

After having a few hours of quiet relaxation and rest, the healer left the safety of her room and ventured out to find someone who could supply her with the necessary supplies.

Hidan slammed the door in her face.

Deidara ignored her.

Konan told her to ask Pain... Kihara couldn't find anyone named Pain so she gave up.

She asked Sasori and he gave her wood.

The healer flopped on the counch with the bundles of wood in her lap and sighed deeply. How on Earth was she suppose to fix the infirmary when no one was even going to give her the supplies she needed. She doubted that they'd let her leave alone to collect supplies so there was no one else to help her.


Kihara's pitch black eyes lit up and she stood before going to Konan's room and knocking on the door gently as the amber eyed woman soon answered.

"I see Sasori gave you wood" she said with a smile "did you find Pain?"


"That's unfortunate."

"Konan" Kihara asked quickly, not wanting to talk about Pain any longer "do you know where Itachi's room is?"

Konan nodded slowly, wondering why she would want to see him of all people, then pointed over at a door near the end of the hallway that stood alone; almost isolated from the other rooms. It seemed like the room that fit someone like him.

Thanking Konan, the healer departed and walked cautiously over to his door before exhaling quietly. She hoped he wasn't rude like Hidan or ignored her like Deidara did.

However before the healer could knock on the door it opened and she was met face to face with the Sharingan user who stared at her blankly.

"H-Hello!" Kihara said hastily, holding onto the bundles of wood tightly "my name is Kihara!!"

He remained silent and Kihara could feel herself about to break into a nervous sweat. He already knew her name because she introduced herself earlier. This conversation already wasn't going well and she was expecting it to end with another door slammed in her face.

"Well..." She began more slowly "as you probably know I have to fix the infirmary and I was wondering if you...uh...had anything that might help...and if not!! If you could take me outside or something I can get it myself..."

The Sharingan user remained silent once again and awkward tension filled the atmosphere as Kihara got a gloomy auru.

"Ok well... never mind."

Kihara walked off gloomily as Itachi watched her in deep thought.

It was hopeless.

Kihara went to flop on the couch again but she felt a pair of hands place themself on her backside. An irk mark appeared on her forehead and she turned to see none other then the pervert Hidan, his hands firmly attached to her rear end.

"You have a plump ass" he remarked "very b-"


Kihara quickly stepped away from Hidan and stared at him as he remained silent and touched at his stinging, red cheek where she had slapped him at. She knew she had angered him yet again but she was ready to face the consequences.


Hidan got up quickly and slammed Kihara hard into the wall as her head rammed into it and she winced heavily; black dots swarming in her vision. Footsteps started to approach the living room from the two Akatsuki members dispute and Deidara entered along with the blue skinned male the healer had not seen in a while.

Kihara tossed the bundle of wood on the couch just as Hidan grabbed his scythe and she quickly ducked as the large object sailed over her head and made a large slash in the wall.

"Looks like they're at it again" Deidara said with a smirk as he watched in amusement.

The healer quickly ran behind the couch, dodging the Jashinist attacks as Itachi and Sasori entered this time and watched Hidan try and slice at the girl with his scythe.


Hidan grabbed Kihara by the front of her shirt and she placed her feet on his chest and kicked him repeatedly, trying to loosen his grip. She looked around carefully and saw her Akatsuki cloak lying on the ground so she quickly scooped it up then wrapped it around his neck; choking him.

His eyes widened in suprise and he let go of Kihara who wrapped her legs around his neck then used as much force as possible to slam him into the ground before quickly getting up, grabbing her pile of wood, and running to her room as everyone watched her.

"YOU BETTER RUN YOU BITCH!!!" Hidan yelled angrily, embarrassed that she was able to choke him and force him down that easily.

The healer ran towards her room rapidly, her heart pounding in her chest and her breath coming out in uneven pants. Hidan was definitely someone she needed to avoid, he just radiated danger with a capital D.

A hand suddenly grabbed the healer's wrist and her eyes widened as she spun around to knock the person in the head with her pile of wood but the person grabbed her other wrist too as the wood clattered to the ground and she looked up to see none other then Itachi.

Kihara's cheeks flushed red in embarrassment and she muttered a word of apology before looking at the ground as the Sharingan user slowly released her wrist from their captivity. The two remained silent and Kihara picked up her bundle of wood that Sasori had gifted her and felt bad for having thrown it around so much. She knew Sasori liked making puppets so this wood could have been used to make more so she was grateful he lent her some.

Then finally, despite the awkward silence, Itachi spoke for the first time since Kihara had gotten here.

"I'll take you out to get supplies" he said quietly as Kihara looked up at him in surprise "go get your things ready."
FINALLY!! Itachi has spoken to our baby girl, Kihara!! It's about time!! Four chapters in and he just not saying something out loud!! I can already sense the romance coming on *sighs dreamily* but despite that!! This has been the end of chapter. 4 guys; I hope you enjoyed it and in the next chapter Itachi and Kihara are gonna have some well deserved alone time! Let's pray that our precious Kihara won't get in anymore fights with Hidan!!

*I don't own Naruto, obviously*

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