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"Feverfew" Kihara muttered softly, gently picking the small white flower "Hana's been having headaches lately, this will definitely help."

Placing the herb in her basket the healer proceeded to pick more and accumulate a hefty stack to last a month or so. Feverfew is a small white flower, often mistaken for a daisy that can help ease headache pain and migraines as well. Putting the leaves into a tea or even chewing on them when in a rush helps tremendously.

Already in her basket was lavender and marigold. Lavender is a good calming smell and can be used as an antiseptic for bruises and cuts whereas marigold helps with sunburn and digestive problems.

"This should be enough to make a salve."

Kihara titled her head upwards and let her eyes set into an automatic squint as the sunlight bathed over her face. It was starting to get dark out and many wolves and other creatures roam this forest at night. It'd be wise not to idle.

Lowering her hear again, the healer began walking back towards her home, already planning out how to make her salve effective.

~N E V E R M O R E~

"A healer, huh?" Kisame said as he sat in a tree, overlooking the small population of the Hīrā clan "that's such a sudden thing for Leader to ask for...what do you think is going through that brain of his?"

Itachi remained silent, which wasn't a surprise to the blue skinned male.

The sun was starting to deplete it's light from the world as the moon slowly but surely made it's ascend towards the Heavens; stars would soon be there to accompany it. Stars surrounding the moon protectively like a barrier to protect it, whereas the Sun has no source of protection though it does truly need and desire it.

Sunsets in Konohagakura are always the most beautiful...he wishes, maybe one day, he can see it again

"Ah!" Kisame interjected snapping the Uchiha from his thoughts "there's one!"

He pointed his finger downward and Itachi followed his gaze along with it just as the sun set completely.

There was a girl there, walking with a basket of herbs that must have be useful from the way she clutched them. Her eyes were a deep black abyss and her skin was a pearly white like she'd never bathed in sunlight before.

But that wasn't the most extravagant thing about her of course.

It was that hair.

He'd seen blue hair before of course, Konan had blue hair as a matter of fact, but he'd never seen it of such vibrancy before. It was sticking out tremendously despite the darkness the moonlight had ensued upon the land and accompanying this outburst of blue hair where two plain strands of white on either side of her face that seemed to complete her look completely.

"I guess that's better then nothing" Kisame said "let's go get her, shall we?"

~N E V E R M O R E~

It got dark faster then expected.

The sun had vanished from the Earth and Kihara outstretched her towards the glistening moon that was displayed so elegantly across a blanket of stars and darkness.

"The moon is cold" Kihara muttered quietly "yes it's so beautiful to gaze upon. The sun is warm yet you can't look at it without feeling pain..."

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