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××Read Author's Note at the end, it's very important××

~ N E V E R M O R E~

He wasn't much of a talker...

Itachi and Kihara walked through the rainy village. The Sharingan user was walking ahead of her with no umbrella, unaffected by the rain. Whereas the healer walked a few feet behind him with a umbrella shielding her from the rain as she listened to the gentle pattering of the rain hitting the top of it.

She wanted to make conversation but then again there was nothing to talk about.

'I should focus' she thought, holding the umbrella tighter 'he was nice enough to take me out so I can't complain about lack of communication.'

The healer looked around and saw a nearby hardware store so she stepped inside as Itachi glanced over at her then silently followed. Kihara closed the umbrella and started shopping for her necessary supplies to repair the infirmary.

She grabbed paint, nails, a hammer, screwdriver, and as many cleaning supplies as they possibly had. There were already rags and a mop as well as a broom at the hideout so she didn't need to buy those, thankfully.

That's when realization sunk in...

'How am I going to pay for this?!' Kihara thought in a panic.

She glanced over at Itachi and he was just staring at her, probably wondering what was taking her so long. She hesitantly walked over and stood in front of the Sharingan user as his eyes continued to stare into hers.

"Um..." She began "how am I suppose to pay for this?"

He remained silent and grabbed the items from Kihara's hands before walking out of the store.

Kihara let out a loud sound of surprise and looked over at the cashier who was smiling, even though he had just watched Itachi walk out of the store without buying anything.

"Thank you!" He said cheerfully "enjoy your purchase!"

'WHAT PURCHASE?!' The healer thought in disbelief 'HE STOLE ALL OF IT!!'

Kihara ran out of the store quickly, opened her umbrella, and caught up to the Sharingan user who was still walking calmly with the stolen items from the store.

"Shouldn't you...pay for that?" She said quietly, sparing a glance in his direction.

"No, this cloak has privileges apparently" he replied just as quiet.

"I see" Kihara replied "so since you're a member of the Akatsuki anything you want, you can get for free?"

He nodded and his onyx eyes looked over at her as she raised her head up more and stared back.

"Same goes for you" Itachi said "you are a member of the Akatsuki now."

Kihara's eyes widened slightly and she looked away with a small frown; "I know..."

The two walked in silence after that and Kihara clutched her umbrella as she let her thoughts slowly consume her.

~N E V E R M O R E~

"Thank you for taking me" Kihara said, grabbing the supplies from the Sharingan user.

He nodded and walked off to his room as Kihara opened the door to the infirmary and set her supplies down on one of the broken beds.

"Time to get to work" She said confidently, flicking the light to the infirmary on.

It was tedious work.

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