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It was dark in the room.

Large blackout curtains prevented the sun from streaming into the room and dust was so thickly spread out across the room's atmosphere it burned at her lungs and made her cough and wheeze, struggling to find clean air to cleanse her lungs with.

After a moment of struggling for air, the healer forced her eyes open and surveyed the surroundings of the room despite the darkness and thick dust that floated around.

It was obviously abandoned and unused, the beds within were broken and tattered, pills that were blackening with age were sprawled across the ground, the medicine cabinets were bare and held not one antibiotic. Cockroaches and spiders lingered in the shadows, staring intensely at the woman that had come to pay them a visit so unexpectedly. Spiderwebs were spread across the entire room and the smell of warm blood and manure sent a gag reflex to the healer as she struggled to keep this morning's breakfast in her stomach.

'So that's why they kidnapped me' she thought 'that's why they threatened me. That's why they killed...'

She stopped the thought midway and burst into tears unexpectedly. Hana was only seven, she was gonna to turn eight in three months and now she'd never get to enjoy the pleasures life brought the older she grew. She'd never be able to fall in love, never be able to marry, never be able to start a family, never be able to become a professional healer as she had so dreamed.

The sun was slowly dying, her Earth had been taken away from her.

Her small Earth that held so much love and potential was gone.

Hana had been her Earth, and now Earth was dead.

Kihara was determined now.

Being kidnapped by these people didn't mean she had to abide to their wishes completely, the one who used the clay snake was hidden, she doesn't know who it was but she remembers that voice clearly. The sound of his loud and confident voice when he activated the bomb within that clay. Even if it took her years she was gonna stay in this organization until her new goal had been achieved.

In the past, her goal had always been what her mother wanted for her. To become a perfect healer and be married off to some rich and well known man. Kihara didn't have her future laid out on a silver platter like most men and women do. Once she reached nineteen years of age she planned to leave the small Hīrā clan and travel elsewhere to see where her destiny awaited.

'No' she thought, her eyes hardening 'my future now is to avenge Hana and mother's death. I'm going to kill the man that murdered them, no matter what!'

Determination flowing through her veins, Kihara sat up in the broke and tattered infirmary bed as she saw a gleam of red from the corner of her eyes.

She quickly turned and saw none other then the infamous Sharingan staring directly at her once again, it's owner completely hidden within the shadows the corner provided. Kihara clutched the thin, moldy blanket tightly in her fist and stared back, not daring to utter a single word. She didn't know who this man was or what he wanted with her but she'd heard many stories of this unique and rare Kekkei Genkai know as the Sharingan.

She hadn't think she'd ever encounter one... at least not like this.


Kihara quickly closed her lips to stop herself from asking that question. She didn't know anything about this man or the level of threat he could be to her, she had to be wise about how she talked to him or she'd reunite with her mother and little sister sooner then expected.

"Who are you...?" She asked slowly.

The red eyes blinked in response but no words issued from the man.

Kihara frowned impatiently and glared slightly at the Sharingan user before quickly stopping, remembering she was at a disadvantage in this strange and unknown place.

Before she could of anything else to say or ask, the user deactivated his Sharingan and she heard his footsteps retreating as she saw a door open, signifying that he was about to leave. Disappointed, Kihara watched the door open as sunlight creeped in and she faintly saw his pitch black hair leave the room as a flash of blonde hair took it's place and the door closed.

Moments later, bright light flickered on from overhead, blinding the poor healer who quickly shielded her eyes then looked around the ugly and broken infirmary before turning her attention to the blonde haired man that had entered.

His hair was long, much longer then hers and thrown up in a rather near ponytail to contain it all, his eye, the one that was not covered with his bangs, was a very bright blue but held not a speck of warmness whatsoever as a cruel smirk spread across his face, sending a shiver down the healer's spine. She would have much preferred to be stared at by the Sharingan user then smirked at by this man.

What made it worst, is that inbedded within both his hands were mouths. Actually physically moving mouths that had tounges which flicked in and out continuously and were turned upwards in what looked like a smirk.

"I see you're finally awake" he said with a tilt of his head "about time, and here I was thinking that explosion had killed you too. Leader-Sama would have been very upset with me..."

Kihara's eyes harden at the mention of the explosion and she clutched at the moldy blanket again.

"But now that you are awake, this is for you."

He tossed something over the healer's head and she quickly yanked it off to see the same cloak that blue skinned man had been wearing; a black cloak with pure red clouds on it.

She was a part of this group now wasn't she...?

She was their healer.

"Welcome to the Akatsuki!!" The man said, spreading his arms out widely "you better get use to it because..."

His arms dropped to his sides and a sadistic smile spread across his face.

"You're never leaving."
Welcome to the Akatsuki, Kihara!! *Claps happily* I hope you make all kinds of friends!!

Kihara: I hate everyone...

I knew you'd love them!! I hope you guys liked the new chapter, I know it's going kind of slow at first and Itachi ain't really... saying anything...but don't worry!! There will be a lot more action and romance in the future! Will Kihara find out that Deidara is the one who killed her mother and little sister? Of course she will!! But when will the find out is the answer. See ya guys later!! Remember to drop in the comments how you think of the story or any questions you have about something that confused you.


P.S. This is my first time putting a gif in a story and it worked. I am beyond proud of myself...

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