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~One Month Later~

The infirmary was completely fixed and Kihara sat on the the bed near the window, drinking coffee silently and watching the rain trickle down below.

As time had progressed things had changed quite drastically.

Her relationship with Hidan had worsened, they now fought on a daily basis, she still hadn't the faintest clue who murdered her family, her and Konan had gotten closer, and she still had yet to meet this Pain person everyone mentioned.

As for Itachi...

Kihara finished off the rest of her coffee and went to the kitchen to was out her mug.

...she hadn't talked to him in a while.

The healer passed by Hidan who was sleeping on the couch and began washing out her mug as the other members noticed this and slowly dropped their dishes off beside her as well; this didn't bother her, she simply grabbed them and washed those as well.

"Kihara" Konan said, walking over happily "you'll be happy to know you're going out today!"

The healer blinked in suprise and turned towards her amber eyed friend in disbelief and confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"You'll be accompanying Deidara and Sasori on their mission" she explained "Pain has requested it, Deidara can get reckless at times so a healer is necessary."

Kihara nodded slowly and dried off the dishes before retreating to her room to go get ready. A mission with Deidara and Sasori didn't seem that bad. Sasori was quiet and kind from what she's concluded thus far yet Deidara was loud and a bit cocky when he wanted to be. She put on her cloak and slipped on some proper shoes before going over to the door to see the two men already waiting on her.

"Let's go" Sasori said.

Kihara nodded and followed the two out of the hideout and into the gloomy day sky that was still pouring endless rain. The healer opened up her umbrella and walked calmly behind the two men who allowed the rain to hit on them without mercy.

Kihara wasn't the best at fighting so as a healer, naturally, she was expected to linger in the back and avoid injury at all cost. That only made her life easier, while she was with then she could gather information on who killed her mother and little sister.

"So what are we suppose to be doing?" She asked curiously.

"Supplies" Sasori replied "we go to the location, kill who gets in our way, get the supplies and leave."

"I see, and what skills do you two have...for killing."

"As you already know I'm a puppeteer" the red head explained "it's a beautiful form of art, don't you think?"

The healer nodded.

"However" he continued "Deidara feels like his cheap and weak explosions are 'art'."


"Art is fleeting and only last a second!!" Deidara explained "it's beautiful and loud and unique! Your form of 'art' consist of pieces of decaying wood that's suppose to be eternal!"

"If you don't mind me asking" Kihara interjected before Sasori could begin his verbal assult on Deidara "could I see what your explosives look like?"

Deidara shrugged and stuck his hand mouths into two pouches then extracted them a few seconds later and showed the blue haired woman a small clay spider.

That was it...

'So it was him' she thought, looking at the blonde haired man with murder clear on her eyes 'good to know.'

"That's very neat" she said with a small grin as Deidara smirked vainly and gave Sasori a smug look.

One day Deidara...

~N E V E R M O R E~

"This is the place" Sasori said as they approched a small tower surrounded by trees and greenery "Kihara you'll wait in that tree."

The healer nodded and leaped into the tree as instructed then hid among the leaves as the other two enter the tower. Small explosions and screams were heard from inside in no time but she simply ignored them and reflected on what had happened thus far. She needed a plan to kill Deidara, if not physically do it herself then find a way to make it happen so it was someone to else's doing.

The healer heard running footsteps and looked to see a man trying to escape before one of Sasori's puppets grabbed him quickly and snatched him back inside.

It will be difficult indeed, but not impossible.

Kihara bit her thumb and made hand signs as a small rabbit suddenly appeared in front of her, blinking rapidly from the harsh sunlight.


"Kihara-chan!" The small rabbit said energetically "you haven't summoned me in quite a wh- WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?!"

"Now's not the time" the healer replied calmly "trust me Chippi, I'm not wearing this by choice. Can you go into the tower and tell me everything those two talk about, and examine the movements and fighting style of the blond one."

"Consider it done."

Chippi leapt out of the tree and hopped into the tower as Kihara sighed deeply and bit her lip in deep thought. Killing an Akatsuki member certainly isn't the safest thing on her list but it's something that must be done.

"Deidara, huh...?"

Kihara's eyes widened and she quickly turned around to see where that unfamiliar voice came from; only to be met with nothing. The healer's eyes glanced rapidly around her surroundings again and she pulled out a Kunai, taking in the presence around her and wondering who that voice belonged to.

They obviously heard her conversation with Chippi and was even watching her for quite a while, but who could possibly...


The healer's eyes widened and she whipped around quickly just as the Kunai was knocked from her hand and she stared into the yellow feline like eyes of the brown haired woman behind her.

"... Kihara-chan~"
Me: *Waves hands around* Suspense!!

Kihara: Where have you be-


I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!! Also who do you believe this mysterious woman is? How does she know Kihara and what's her purpose with her, and most importantly, is she a friend or vote! Comment down below what you think and gets on the lookout for more frequent updates on all three of my stories!

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