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She had a list.

1. Fix the infirmary
2. Get antibiotics and healing herbs
3. Be a good healer or face the consequences

Of course that was the list she'd been given from the blonde haired man. Little did he know she had her own list, and it would be achieved no matter what.

1. Blend in
2. Find someone to establish a mutal relationship with, a backup plan for bad situations with other members
3. Find out which one of them killed her family
4. Get her revenge
5. Escape.

She didn't know when she'd be able to put this list in effect and she knew there was no possible way this could happen all at once. Even if it took her ten years she'd make it happen, she'd make damn sure he suffered.

The healer placed a hesitant hand on the doorknob and stood there, thinking. She wanted to leave this musty infirmary as soon as possible; when she stepped out she didn't know who would be there waiting.

How many members are there to this organization?

Are they all men?

She really prayed to Kami they weren't...

Taking a deep breath, the healer opened the door and winced as even more harsh sunlight hit her eyes.

She could faintly hear chattering and when the door opened it had died down immediately, signifying they were either staring at her or had heard the door open. Either way she could feel eyes staring in her general direction and it made her uncomfortable.

Kihara slowly looked upward and her eyes strayed into what looked like the living room where a total of four people sat; not as many as she had thought but she was glad for the small occupancy.

One of them was a man with white or silver hair and purple eyes, his cloak was being worn strangely and one part was fixed correctly whilst the other was hanging off of his shoulder and showing his rather muscular chest which the healer quickly averted her eyes from. He was staring Kihara up in down in a way she didn't quite like.

The second person was the strange blonde haired man that had entered her room and given Kihara the cloak she was holding gently in her hands, refusing to wear it unless absolutely forced or threatened.

The third, much to the healer's relief, was a woman with dark blue hair not as bright and vibrant as Kihara's, and amber eyes. She was staring at Kihara with a blank face but her eyes held a warming welcome which she very much appreciated.

The fourth was the Sharingan user.

"So the hermit crab finally left her shell..." The blonde teased with a smirk.

Kihara looked at him and his smirk widened, expecting her to remain silent in a ball of shyness. Little did he know...

"Hello" Kihara said normally, shocking everyone quite a bit seeing as this was the first they'd heard her voice, aside from Itachi "my name is Kihara Hīrā."

"Hello" the other woman said, speaking up for the flabbergasted men and stoic Uchiha "my name is Konan."

She pointed to the man with purple eyes whose chest was still being displayed.

"This is Hidan."

She pointed to the blonde.

"This is Deidara."

Finally, she pointed to the Sharingan user and Kihara looked at him but his gaze was elsewhere. He didn't seem interested in making eye contact with her.

"And this is Itachi."

Kihara nodded and absorbed this information, oblivious to the fact that someone else had entered the living room and was staring at her quietly.

"Oh, this is Sasori."

Kihara quickly looked and saw a man with red hair and greyish brown eyes.


Before Kihara could finish her greeting, Sasori sighed and walked off, sending a wave of annoyance through the healer. He had obviously ignored her but she supposed that was all right, he's probably just tired or something of the sort.

"So you're the new bitch around here" Hidan smirked "I suppose I could get some fucking use out of you."

His eyes raped Kihara once again and she exhaled deeply in annoyance.

"The only use you'll get out of me is a swift kick to your manhood" Kihara answered coldly "touch me even once and you'll regret it."

Hidan's eyes flared in anger and he stood up and began walking to the healer, a giant scythe in his hand that she certainly had not noticed earlier. Before any damage could be done, however, Konan stepped forward and placed herself in front of Hidan.

"Leader went through the trouble of finding a good healer for a reason" She replied confidently "kill her and you'll be the one explaining to Leader what happened. You know how he hates error Hidan..."

The purple eyed man took a moment of hesitation then scoffed and walked off down a corridor, obviously retreating to his room to let out the anger this new girl had pent up inside of him.

Kihara exhaled deeply and thanked Kami that Konan had stepped in. She hadn't been the least bit scared of that pervert but there was no doubt that his scythe would have cut through her like paper and she was formulating ideas on how she'd dodge it. From now on she had to be cautious in what she said until she evaluated everyone's strengths and weakness; when she had that then she could begin her planning.

"Don't worry about Hidan" Konan reassured the healer "he has a temper, come. I'll show you to your room."

The two woman walked off together with Konan in the lead as Kihara glanced back in the living room again. She felt her eyes divert over to Itachi and their eyes connected for a small second before the wall blocked her view of him completely.

~N E V E R M O R E~

"This will be your room" Konan said, opening the door "if you need anything my room is to the right of yours and Deidara's is on your left."

Kihara nodded and entered the room as the other woman walked off.

Steps one and two of her list had been completed. Kihara knew there were more members to this organization because she has yet to see the blue skinned man but she supposed it would have to wait. Out of everyone she'd met already she decided Deidara and Hidan weren't to be trusted and she would like to avoid them. Konan was nice it would seem and she was going to work to befriend her. As for Itachi...

Kihara closed the door and walked over to the window as she looked out of it onto a village that was suffering from what seemed neverending rain. The window had bars on it to prevent her from leaving and the only thing she could do was open it to allow some breeze in.

...she didn't know what to think of Itachi.
Hello people!! I have updated once more, Kihara is slowly starting to become a member of the group!! This is so exciting!

Kihara: I don't want to be here...

I can just sense how excited she is!! She's gonna be the best damn healer in the world!! And fall in love!! And get married!! And have children!! I'm so proud of my baby girl!!! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and enjoy the picture of the cutie that is Kihara!

*I don't own Naruto, obviously*

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