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"Who am I?" The unknown female said as she leapt away from Kihara slightly and landed on a tree branch still within close proximity "you can just call me, Name...less...chan~!"

The mask over her face shifted upwards slightly, revealing the fact that she had smiled and only adding to the feline presence she was emitting from having said that last phrase unnaturally slow.

Kihara hadn't the faintest clue who this woman was or why she knew her for that matter but she certainly wanted to find out. Her feline mannerisms, while strange, seemed to show no connection to her physical appearance aside from the pink and white jacket she wore that had kitty ears upon the hood. Her short brown hair continuously shifted back and forth everytime she moved her head; her yellow eyes never once removed themselves from Kihara's position.

She was strange indeed...

"Ok" the healer began slowly " do you know me?"

"How could I not?!" Nameless exclaimed in glee "The Hīrā clan has been in complete anarchy over your disappearance and the death of your beloved mother and little sister. Of course you weren't very important figures to the clan but seeing as the Hīrā clan are reaching extinction..."

The corners of Nameless' mask curved upwards again like she was smiling.

"...that doesn't look so good for you Kihara-senpai~!"


"So what do you want with me?" Kihara questioned.

"Oooo~what DON'T I want?!"


She was answering a question with a question and the healer picked up on this immediately; she wasn't giving away any information on what her purpose was or who she was.

Before the healer could ask another question multiple clay spiders suddenly surrounded the girl and she looked at them curiously as Kihara's eyes widened and they suddenly exploded, sending smoke everywhere as Kihara felt someone grab her and pull her away.

Kihara looked and saw a strange puppet holding her and began squirming.

"You can let me go" she said, wanting to get as far as possible from the ugly puppet.

"It's me" Sasori said blankly, causing Kihara's face to flush red in embarrassment.


They three Akatsuki members looked to see what became of the woman and we're surprised to see her still standing there, completely unharmed despite the explosions Deidara had thrown at her. The corners of her mask shifted upwards, signifying that she was smiling and she stood up.

"Well~" Nameless said "your friends are back so I have to go now Kihara-senpai~! See ya!"

With that she leapt backwards into the trees and disappeared as Deidara got an irk mark and started to chase her before Sasori had to call him back.

~N E V E R M O R E~

"They weren't talking about much huh?" Kihara said softly with a disappointed sigh.

After reporting the results of their mission to Konan, the healer retired to her room and sat upon her bed as Chippi gave her every last detail of what Sasori and Deidara had talked about.

"I know he's the one" Kihara said "the one who killed my mother and Hana, but I'm not strong like these people Chippi. They're like something out of a book; they're all equally strong and I'm not sure they even trust me entirely... especially that Hidan man."

"I can't believe these guys!" Chippi exclaimed angrily "not only did they force you here but they killed your family and treat you like crap!"

The healer simply hummed in agreement and let her mind continue to wander to multiple things.

First her family, then the Akatsuki, then finally to her latest threat: Nameless.

Kihara set her bunny friend down and grabbed a notebook from under her bed before opening it to a clean page and grabbing a pen. She had so many things in her mind both big and small she would surely forget it if she continued to leave it bottled up. Though risky, it was best to write this information down for further use in the future.

She drew a line down the middle of the paper and labeled one half "Akatsuki" and the other "Nameless"

"Ok" she said to herself and started on the Akatsuki side.

She knew for a fact Hidan was someone to be avoided. Sasori and Konan we're definitely trustable as of late. Itachi...

The healer tapped the pen gently against her lip then continued writing.

Itachi was a work in progress.

The other members she was wary of: Kisame, Kakuzu, Zetsu, and this Pein person she hasn't even seen yet. Deidara was on her "kill list" seeing as he was the one who mercilessly murdered her family before her very eyes. If she had to rank the members in order of power, it would be:

1. Pein
2. Konan
3. Itachi
4. Hidan
5. Deidara
6. Sasori
7. Kisame
8. Kakuzu
9. Zetsu

Of course this list was only accurate to the healer herself, she wasn't sure how the rest of world viewed them but from her perspective this was her list of most dangerous to least dangerous.

Before Kihara start writing information down on Nameless a knock issued on her door and she looked up in surprise and slight caution.

"Be there in a moment!" She exclaimed as Chippi hid under the bed and the healer jumped up before stuffing the notebook under there with the rabbit.

The blue haired woman composed herself then went over to the door and opened it as she blinked in surprise, not at all expecting who was standing there.

"Do you need something?"
Hey guys!! That's the end of the chapter and I hope you enjoyed it! Who is at Kihara's door? What do they want? Have they come with the intention to help? Or to harm?

Kihara: Why must you hurt me?

But most importantly, will the sparks between Itachi and Kihara be interrupted by another Akatsuki member? Or even by this mysterious Nameless? Keep in touch to find out in the next chapter!

Kihara: What sparks? We literally never talk

Hush Kihara....

*I don't own Naruto, obviously*

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