I Love You

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                 Tord's pov
I intertwined my fingers with Edd's and sighed. "Why can't you believe that I love you?" I asked. He sighed and looked down at me. "Because you're so much better than that." He mumbled. I looked up at him. It hurt to talk but I didn't care. "What do you mean?" I asked confused. He sighed once more. "You're way out of my league." He muttered. "Why does that matter?" I asked. "Because you're so much better than me. And I'm such a useless freak. You shouldn't like someone like that." He muttered. "I don't like you. I love you." I mumbled. "Stop saying that Tord." He said. "No. I love you." I said. "No you don't!" He screamed. "I do Edd." I mumbled. I was surprised Tom was still asleep. I felt his tears hit my face and sighed. "Why do you drink?" I asked. He gripped my hand and started sobbing. I sighed and sat up. I pulled him into my arms and sighed. "Did something happened?" I asked. "S-some guy. I-I was walking home a-and some guy grabbed me. H-he raped me. A-and gave me some whiskey a-and told me it would help me forget." He sobbed. I sighed and nuzzled into his hair. "Liquor isn't going to help." I mumbled. "B-but it does. I-it makes me forget." He sobbed. "But then you remember later." I muttered. "A-and then I drink more." He added. "The best way to forget is to move on. Stop drinking." I said. "I-I can't." Edd mumbled. I sighed and hugged him until he fell asleep. I got up and walked to his room. I laid him down gently and kissed his forehead. "I love you Edd." I said, sighing softly.

Tom's pov
I woke up in Tord's bed and sighed. I sat up as Tord entered the room. He looked like shit. "You alright?" I asked. He walked over and plopped down on the bed next to me. "I told him I loved him." He muttered. "And he rejected you?" I mumbled. "I honestly don't know. But he kept calling himself a freak and saying no one could love him. A-and-" I looked down at Tord and realized he was sobbing. I sighed and laid down next to him playing with his hair. He flipped over and hugged me tightly, gripping my shirt, as he sobbed into my chest. "I-I can't take it. H-he's destroying himself." He sobbed, gripping my shirt even tighter. I sighed and nuzzled into his hair, hugging him tight. "Tord. Do us both a favor and don't fall asleep like this. If Edd walks in it'll hurt him." I mumbled. He nodded and let go, flipping around and curling into a ball. I sat up and gently rubbed his back. We both flinched as the door creaked open. In seconds flat Tord was under a blanket completely silent. Edd quietly walked in and looked around. "I was hoping it was a bad dream..." He muttered. I sighed and got up, patting his shoulder. "Look for the lump under the covers." I muttered getting a small chuckle from him. I smiled and walked to my room quietly. I could hear Edd talking and Tord not answering. I'd hear him growl ever so often. I sighed and got up to walk downstairs when I heard Tord start yelling. I quickly walked into his room to see Edd against the wall, Tord holding his shoulders. Edd was looking at him with sympathy as Tord screamed at him.

Edd's pov
I stared up at him as he sobbed and screamed. He stopped as the door creaked open. "Tom get out." I muttered. Tom nodded and left quickly. "Damnit." Tord sobbed. "I-I don't mean to yell. I-I just...I-I need you to at least believe me." He mumbled. "Tord I-" "no! You can reject me if you want but I need you to believe me! Please. Believe me." He sobbed. But how would I reject him. He was hot, and usually kind. I hugged him tight as he sobbed into my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my waist, gripping my shirt. "I believe you Tord. I believe you. It's okay." I muttered quietly. "I love you damnit." He mumbled. I chuckled slightly and nodded. "I love you too Tord." I muttered. He sat up and looked at me as tears streamed down his face. "W-what?" He mumbled. "I love you too Tord." I said again. He smiled as more tears rushed down his face. I grabbed his collar and pulled him into a gentle kiss. He kissed back and wrapped his arms around my waist. I slowly pulled away and smiled softly. He was blushing deeply as he gripped my shirt tight. More tears rushed down his face and he nuzzled into my neck. "I love you so god damn much." He mumbled. I hugged him tight and kissed his cheek. "You smell of whiskey." He mumbled pulling away. I sighed and nodded. He stood up and wiped his tears away. "Edd I can't do this." He mumbled. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "You have to stop drinking." He mumbled. The pain in his eyes hurt. "I-I can't." I mumbled. He gripped my shirt tight but then released.

                 Tord's pov
I stood up straight and sighed. "Then...I can't do this." I mumbled. "Tord...I wanna be with you." He muttered. "I can't." I mumbled. He nodded and put his head down as tears rushed down his face. "Edd...I really do love you. But I can't do this. You get drunk everyday. You become aggressive. I just can't do it anymore." I muttered. He looked at me with tears rushing down his face. "I understand." He muttered. I grabbed him and hugged him tight. "I love you." I mumbled. "I-I love you." I mumbled again. "I'm sorry Tord." He said.

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