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Tord's pov
I woke up with a killer headache and groaned. I flipped around and shoved my pillow over my face, letting out a frustrated scream. "You alright?" I looked over at Tom and sighed. He looked really tired. "I'm fine." I muttered. He sighed and shook his head. "You talked a lot yesterday Tord." He mumbled. "I was drunk." I growled. "Drunk man does what a sober man can't." He muttered. "Could you just drop it? I don't even remember anything." I muttered. "Edd started drinking again." He muttered. I sat up quickly and looked at him. "After we got you into bed Matt went downstairs and he was drunk saying you didn't love him." He mumbled. I grabbed my trash can and started to vomit and Tom sighed softly. I stopped and he walked over and slowly pulled the bin away. He wiped my mouth with a tissue and I blushed slightly. "What were you thinking, getting drunk like this. Come on Tord. We just got your boyfriend to stop." He muttered. "I'm sorry. The pain was bad and I just wanted it to stop for a day. Which it did." I growled. We both flinched when Edd stomped into my room. "Okay you are gonna talk to me and you're gonna talk to me now." He growled as he grabbed my collar. Tom slowly walked out of the room and shut the door. "I hear you got drunk last night Edd." I muttered. "Only because you won't talk to me and I finally trust someone and love them and they don't love me back!" He screamed. "Hey. I never said I didn't love you Edd." I muttered. "But you make me feel like you don't." He muttered as tears rushed down his face. I sighed and nodded.

Edd's pov
Tord pulled me down into his lap and sighed. "I would kiss you but I just threw up." He muttered. I sighed and wiped my tears. "Never mind. This was stupid." I muttered as I tried to stand up. "It's not stupid Edd. Just sit and listen okay?" He mumbled. I nodded and he snuggled into my hair. "I'm sorry okay. I'm hurt. I just wanted the pain to stop. I should have talked to you love. I'm really sorry." He muttered. I sighed and snuggled into his shoulder gently. He nuzzled into my hair gently and kissed my head. "You're hurt?" I asked. "Yeah. Before Tom kicked me, my ribs were already broken. When he kicked me they just got worse." He mumbled. I sighed and stood up, pulling him up. "We're going to the hospital." I mumbled. "No. Edd I'm fine okay?" He muttered. "No you're not. Your ribs are broken Tord." I whined. "Hey. I'm fine. Really." He mumbled. I sighed and hugged him. "I love you. No more lying. No more drinking. No more pain." I muttered quietly. He ran his hand through my hair gently and I sighed softly. "Alright. No more lying and no more drinking." He muttered. I looked up at him. "And no more pain." I growled. He sighed and nodded before slamming his lips into mine and lacing his fingers into my hair as he slowly backed me into a wall. I melted into the kiss and he carefully picked me up as I rested my hand on his cheek. He slowly pulled away and I sighed. "That tasted like vomit." I muttered as I wiped my mouth. He chuckled and put his head down. "Sorry. Just really wanted that kiss." He muttered. I smiled and kissed his forehead.

                 Tom's pov
After Edd left Tord's room I walked in. "Everything alright?" I asked. "He said the next time I lie to him he's breaking up with me." Tord muttered. "Then just don't lie to him." I muttered. "I already did. He asked who broke my ribs and I lied to him." He muttered. "Who did break your ribs?" I asked. He sighed and put his head down as he fiddled his thumbs. "He did." He muttered, "the night he got drunk and destroyed my room, he had punched me a lot but it wasn't until he was sober that he punched me hard enough to break my ribs." I stared at him. "He did it...while he was sober?" I asked. He nodded slightly. "You had finally fallen asleep so I left you in my bed. I told him I loved him and sooner or later he punched me so hard that I couldn't breathe. My first kiss with him was him giving me CPR." He muttered. "That's not okay Tord." I muttered. He shrugged. "What he doesn't know can't hurt him." He mumbled quietly. I sighed and walked over to his bed, sitting next to him quietly. "It can still hurt you though." I muttered. He let out a shaky breath and looked at me as tears rushed down his face. "I'm scared he'll leave me." He muttered. I got the sudden urge to kiss him and my eyes traveled to his lips. But of course he couldn't tell where I was looking. I let out a shuddery sigh and pulled him to my chest. "It'll be okay Tord." I muttered. He sobbed into my chest quietly until he fell asleep. I sighed softly and carefully moved his head onto my lap and laid a blanket over him.

                 Tord's pov
I woke up and sighed. I looked up at Tom to see he was asleep, leaning against the wall. I sighed and slowly sat up. He looked so peaceful as he slept. I flinched as he shot up and grabbed my shoulder. He looked at me and I looked at him. "Nightmare?" I muttered. He sighed and shook his head. "How are you feeling?" He asked as he slowly moved his hand. "I'm fine." I said as I laid back. He sighed softly and I flinched as he laid next to me. "How about I tell you something and you tell me something." He muttered. I sighed and nodded. "Ok...well...I lied to Matt. I told him I had just gotten out of a relationship and that's why I wouldn't date him." He said. "Hey are we allowed to asked questions?" I asked. "Sure but you gotta tell me something first." He said as he nudged me with his shoulder. "I lied to Edd about the broken ribs." I said. "Doesn't count. needs to be something I don't know." He said. I sighed and thought about it. "Edd wasn't actually my first kiss." I muttered. He chuckled. "Why won't you date Matt?" I asked. He sighed shakily and I glanced at him. He chewed his lip gently as he looked up at the ceiling. "I don't think I'm ready." He muttered. He chuckled and looked at me. "Sounds stupid sorry." He muttered. I shrugged slightly. "Alright, why'd you drop out of high school?" He asked. "Come on. That's-" "no seriously. You were really smart. You were at the top of all your classes and you wanted to go to med school." He muttered. I sighed as I looked up at the ceiling. "It's complicated Tom." I muttered.

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