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                 Tom's pov
Tord was taken for a CT scan and I sat in his room quietly. He was brought back and he smiled at me. "I'm fine Tom." He muttered. I looked at the doctor and she looked at me sympathetically. "I think you should leave so that I can talk to mister Larson." She muttered. Tord sighed and shook his head. "He can stay." He muttered. She sighed and put the image up on the lighted bored. "There's a mass in your throat. It's blocking your airways and not letting oxygen get to some of your alveoli." The doctor muttered. "It's called atelectasis and that mass is a tumor. It seems bigger now." Tord muttered. "We need to operate and remove the tumor." The doctor said. "Tord? Do you have cancer?" I asked. "No, a tumor doesn't always mean cancer." He muttered. "I'm not having surgery." He added. "Mister Larson-" "call me Tord." Tord growled. "Tord. If we don't put you in surgery you will die." She muttered. "So let me die. I said no. I won't have surgery again." Tord growled. I slapped his wrist and he looked at me. "You expect me to sit here and watch you die." I growled. "Tord you only have two more hours." The doctor said. "What about Edd?" I asked. "I strongly advise against not getting the surgery." She said. "What-" "god both of you shut up!" Tord yelled. He sighed and looked at the doctor. "Tell him about the risks." He growled. She sighed and looked at me. "Death, damage to the vocal cords, trouble eating, and trouble drinking." She muttered. "And if something goes wrong during the surgery?" Tord asked. "We would massage your heart but your DNR stops us from doing anything else to save you." She muttered.

                 Tord's pov
After the doctor left Tom stared at the picture of the tumor. "Can it spread?" He asked. "Like I said, it's not cancer, it's a benign tumor." I muttered. "So why not get it removed?" He asked. "They remove parts of it. I've been in surgery six times and it keeps coming back." I muttered. I put the oxygen mask on as breathing became harder. "So it keeps growing back." He muttered. I nodded slightly. Edd ran through the door and Tom turned off the glowing bored quickly. "Tord? Are you okay?" He asked. I went to glance at him but Tom grabbed my chin to stop me. "Edd you should leave." Tom muttered. Edd hurriedly left and I looked up at Tom. I removed the mask and looked at him. "You need to break up with him." He muttered as he let go of my chin. "Why?" I growled. He sighed and shook his head. I heard footsteps and looked back to see Matt walk in. His hair was a mess and his clothes were wrinkled with hickeys all over his neck. I slowly pieced together the parts and started having an anxiety attack. I reached for my mask but it slipped and fell and I was stuck there trying not to hyperventilate, trying not to scare Tom, but I couldn't breathe. I watched as Tom's arm reached over me and he grabbed the mask, slowly putting it on my face. He ran his hand through my hair and I looked up at his soft lips. If I died in an hour I would never be able to kiss them. He was always the one who kissed me, once I just wanted to kiss him. I slowly pulled the mask away. "I'll do the surgery." I muttered.

                 Edd's pov
I waited outside Tord's room as three doctors walked in. Then they walked out, wheeling him with them. "Edd." He muttered. They stopped and I walked over hesitantly. I was wearing makeup over my hickeys and I had fixed my hair. "I could die from this. And I don't wanna die knowing my boyfriend cheated on me but lied about it. So say it." He muttered. I let out a shaky breath and looked away. "I cheated on you." I muttered. "Edd." Tord muttered. I look down at him and he sighed shakily as he looked up at me. "Go be with Matt. I love you but he loves you more. You love him, you have since high school, so go. Be with him." He muttered. "You think you're gonna die." I muttered. "Even if I don't. I want you to be with him. I'm not happy and neither are you." He muttered. They rushed him off to the OR room and I let out a shaky sigh. I walked over to Matt and he swooped me up into his arms. "So what do you say? You wanna be my boyfriend?" He asked. "I need some time. But I'd like to go home." I muttered. He nodded and drove me home. Tom refused to come with us so he waited for Tord in the waiting room. When we got home Matt carried me to my room and laid me down. "You wanna cuddle?" He asked. I nodded slightly and he crawled into bed next to me and hugged my chest. "Get some sleep Edd. We'll talk in the morning." He muttered. I nodded and turned off my light hesitantly. He pulled the blanket over us and kissed the back of my head gently as I closed my eyes.

                 Tom's pov
I sat in the waiting room for hours, literally hours. I was almost positive that when a doctor came out they'd be telling me he died on the table. I impatiently tapped my foot as another hour passed. Then another while I played games on my phone. Then another while I walked around the hospital. "Mister Ridgewell?" I doctor asked. My head shot around and I looked at the doctor from earlier. I ran up to her and she sighed. "He's gonna be okay. We removed the tumor completely so it won't grow back and his breathing is better. But we noticed he has a few broken ribs so we wanna keep him over night for observation." She muttered. I smiled and almost hugged her but quickly stopped. "Can I see him?" I asked excitedly. "He's in his room." She muttered. I smiled and ran down to his room. I jumped onto the bed and immediately kissed him. He kissed back slowly and I slowly pulled away. I nuzzled into his neck and sighed. "I thought you would die on me." I muttered. "I'm alright." He muttered in a groggy voice. "Don't talk. It probably hurts. Just be quiet and we're gonna cuddle." I muttered. "I thought you didn't cuddle." He muttered with a smirk. I chuckled and laid next to him. He backed up into my chest and I wrapped my arms around him, intertwining our fingers. He sighed as I nuzzled into his neck. "I just broke up with Edd." He grumbled. "That's why I haven't asked you out yet. But friends cuddle. We can cuddle." I muttered. He nodded and we cuddled until he fell asleep. The nurses asked me to leave but I ignored them and pretended to sleep. After awhile they stopped trying.

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