Chapter 8

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Lauren's pov

Everyone is at the church getting set up for the funeral tomorrow.

I didn't wanna go cause I'm tired of crying.

"Babe watcha wanna do" rocky asked rubbing my back.

"Wanna go jump on the trampoline?" I smiled.

"Duhh" he laughed.

"Let's go" I smirked.

Rocky grabbed my hand and pulled me out my room, through My house and out the back door.

"Let's play deadman" he smiled.

"Ok I haven't played that since I was little" I replied

"I'll be the dead man first." He said.


When he closed his eyes I got off the trampoline quietly and hid behind the house.

"Ahhhh" I heard a girly scream.

I peaked around the corner to see rocky laying on the ground.

"Lauren you were supposed to tell when I was about to fall"

"Oops" I laughed.

"Just kidding I know you got off the trampoline" he smiled.

"Cheater your eyes are supposed to be closed." I said

"And you were supposed to stay on the trampoline guess we're both cheaters" he smiled.

"Touché" I giggled.

"I love you" he laughed kissing me.

"I love you too" I kissed him back.

"Wanna go out on a date tonight?" he said

"Where" I asked

"I don't know what's here in Greenville?"

"Well there's this country place called the old west and it's amazing" I smiled.

"Ok let's go there"

We walked into my room to get ready.

"What should I wear?" I asked looking through my closet of clothes I left here when I moved.

"I don't know but look at me" he laughed.

I turned around and he had one of my crop tops on and a cowboy hat.

"Save a horse and ride a cowboy" he smirked.

"Haha" I burst out laughing.



"Im stuck"

"What do you mean youre stuck?" I asked.

"I can't get this crop top off" he frowned.

I burst out laughing again "idiot"

"Aren't you gonna do something?" he asked.

"Yea" I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture

"Lauren this is not funny help me" he frowned.

"Ok fine"

I walked over to him and Began to pull it off.

"Sh*t rocky it's not coming off anytime soon" I laughed.

"Damnit" he frowned.

"Hang on I have an idea" I said and ran out the door.

I grabbed some siscors and ran back to the room.

"You owe me a new crop top" I said and Began cutting it up the middle.

"You're going to cut my skin open hit my heart and I'll die" he whined.

"You're such a baby" I giggled.

We finally got it off and went on our date.

Perfcetly Imperfect (a rocky lynch/r5 fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now