Chapter 33

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Lauren's pov

"We're sorry. We tried everything but... he slipped into a coma"

"What" I cried.

"We're truly sorry" the doctor frowned.

"Can We see him" stormie asked.

"One at a time" the doctor nodded.

"Can I go first" I asked.

"Of course sweetie" stormie smiled sweetly even though she was hurting

I slowly opened the door and began crying harder seeing rocky hooked up to a bunch if cords.

I sat down in the chair beside him and grabbed his hand.

"Rocky please don't leave me. I know you probably can't hear me but I need you. Ryder needs you" I cried and pulled his hand up to my lips and kissed it.

I looked at my wrist and saw my gold charm bracelet that said 'here comes forever' that rocky gave me on our first anniversary

I heard the door open and I turned to see Hannah. "The doctor said I could come check on you" she said.

I dried my tears with my hands and smiled.

"I brought you something to cheer you up" she smiled and reached into her purse. She pulled out rockliff.

I smiled and took him from her.

She sat next to me "so how are you"


She nodded.

"What if he doesn't wake up" I asked.

"Lauren I know you. No matter what happens you can handle this" she smiled.

I hugged her tightly "thank you"

I stood up and kissed Rocky's head then we walked out of the room.

"Are we allowed to have a dog here" I asked. As we made it back to the waiting room. "I guess we'll find out she giggled.

Stormie and mark went to see rocky next. "So weres luke?" I asked lance.

"He went back to your house with Elizabeth"

"Elizabeth she's with yall" I asked.


"Could this day get any worse" I mumbled

"What happened to y'all? you guys were best friends" he frowned.

"It's a long story" I mumbled and put my head in my hands.

*two hours later*

Everyone I ha gone home but me I didn't wanna leave so I was just gonna stay the night. I was walking the halls thinking when a little girl came up to me.

"Hello" she smiled.

"Hey" I said back

"Aren't you rocky Lynch's fiancé?" she asked.

I nodded "yes I am"

"I'm sorry to hear about him that's terrible" she frowned.

"How'd you know about it"

"It's all over the news" she said.

"Oh ok"

"I'm Madison by the way" she smiled.

"I'm lauren"

"So when were you and rocky gonna tell the r5 family the gender of your baby"

"So you're a fan" I giggled.

She nodded

"Well it's a boy. His name is Ryder mason"

"Aww I love it" she giggled.

"Why are you here" I asked.

"I have cancer the doctors gave me three weeks to live and I'm stuck in this hell hole" she frowned.

"I'm sorry"

"It's fine you didn't know"

"How old are you" I asked.


"Would you like to meet r5"

"Oh please that would be amazing" she smiled.

"I'll see what I can do" I winked.

Madison went back to her room and I went back to Rocky's and fell asleep on the chair.

Perfcetly Imperfect (a rocky lynch/r5 fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now