Best friends

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Juvia POV

Me and Gray were in the principal office for putting hot sauce in Mr. Elfmans coffee , took the screws out of Mrs. Evergreens chair which made her fall , and we glued the teachers computer on her desk and she sent us to the principals office and now were here . Me and Gray are best friends , nothing more , we do everything together . The principal left to eat lunch .

"Hey Juvia , want to go see neighbors at the movies later " he asked leaning in his chair

"Hell ya , people say they give it five stars " I said excited . I was so excited I fell of my chair . Gray bursted out laughing at me .

"I'd be quiet if I were you , stripper " I said irritated .

"Oh that's it " Gray said getting up from his chair and started tickling me . I was laughing so hard we ended up on the floor , him on top of me tickling me until I peed my pants .

"Stop stop , you win you win . I said while laughing . He finally stoped he was still on top of me , it was dead silent for a bit then he realized are position and got up blushing. He held out a hand to help me up .

"Never call me stripper , or else " he said trying to intimidate me , it didn't work .

"Whatever" I said looking down . Then the door opened and revealed the principal .

"You are now free to go , but you'll have to come Saturday for detention " he told us and we left and went to the movies .

Gray POV

The movies was over and I went to drive Juvia to her apartment . "Thanks for taking me to the movies , I'll pay you back " she said sweetly .

"It's no problem " I said I opened the passenger door and walked her to her room , but we saw this fat women in front of her door .

"Are you Juvia Lockster " the women asked snobby .

"Ya what seems to be the problem " she asked

"Your rent hasn't been payed over a year , you have to get out of here tonight "

"I have nowhere to go , can't you give me until tomorrow " Juvia pleaded , but the lady didn't respond and threw a suitcase at her full of her clothes .

" I packed your stuff get lost " the lady said and left

We walked in silence to my car , when we got in she started bawling her eyes out , I pulled her into a hug , I heard her whisper "what am I gonna do" .

"You can live with me " I blurted out

"I don't want to be a burden to you" she said wiping away her tears

"I don't care I won't mind" I said without thinking

"Thank you" she whispered . We drove in silence and into my house , I got her stuff and carried them in I put them in the corner , I had a little house a kitchen a bathroom and bedroom/living room .

"You can sleep in my bed I'll sleep on the couch " I said she was to tired to argue and slept on my bed and I slept on the couch

Hours later I felt someone tap my shoulder , I woke up to find Juvia .

"Can you sleep with me I had a bad dream " she said while being childish . So I picked her up bridal style and went to bed with her . What surprised me was that half her body was on me . She's so pretty ,nice ,drop dead gorgeous ,funny . Every time I'm with her my chest is about to explode .....I think I love her .

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