Moving on

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Lucy POV

So me, Natsu, Juvia, Gray, Erza and Jellal sat at lunch together talking about stuff . Juvia was talking about Gray having a rat under his sink and Gray was trying to quiet her down , Erza was telling us about how her and Jellal became a couple .

"Hey where's Levy" I asked the group

"Last time I saw her was when her face was red and her stomping out of school" Natsu said scratching his head .

"Oh , she was probably sick" Erza said .

"Well , anyways I need to buy lunch , want to come Natsu " I asked getting up . I think he was blushing ?

"Uh, sure" then he got up and walked with me . I can't wait to tell him what I did for him

"So what's up" he asked nervously

"Well , there's a party at Stings house and he said I can bring the group , so I asked Lisanna if she wanted to come ... With you and she said yes .... So your going with her it's like a date " I said full of happiness for Natsu .

"I'll have to cancel , see I had a really rough week and I just want to go home " he said . I know he was lying .

"Please please please Natsu " I begged him

"Fine ,sure" he said looking away

It was awkward silence until we reached are friends . I thought if I hooked up Lisanna and Natsu together I would get over him , but I feel worse I'll have to hide it like I always did .

Natsu POV

I couldn't believe what Lucy told me ,for a minute I thought she was gonna ask me to go with her , but she has a boyfriend so it would never happen . I've tried so hard to tell myself that I can't have her , but when she's not near me I feel lonely .

I stayed quiet for the rest of the day , but Gray got on to me .

"What's wrong with you , your not fighting me " he questioned me . He started sitting with me .

"You love her still ,don't you " it shocked me to hear Gray say that .

"N-no I'm over h-her " I said feeling my cheeks burn up

"Your a horrible liar ,look I hate to tell you this but she's madly in love with Sting , you should try Lisanna ..." I cut Gray off

"She's not Lucy though it's hard staring at a girl and knowing it's not Lucy " I told him feeling gloomy

"Then go after her , stop being a dumb ass and chase , you can't let her go " gray said standing up . Sometimes I hate this guy but he's a good friend he's like a brother to me .

"Well I better get going Juvia and me are going to paint the teachers computer screen " so Gray left leaving me alone .

I have two choices going after Lucy and making a huge mess , or let it be and try to move on and Lucy would be happy ....

I made up my mind and I'm going with the second choice , maybe Lisanna is a really fun person once you get to know her and it won't effect my friendship with Lucy . I walked into the school looking for Lisanna so I can talk to her . I finally found her by her locker , she saw me and waved .

"Hi Lisanna are you excited for Stings party " I asked her

"Ya I'm so happy your going with me , it'll be fun " she said smiling

"Ok I'll pick you up at 8 Saturday then" I said

"Sure " she gave me her address and phone number and with that I walked to my next class

It might not be bad as I thought but I still feel sad inside .....

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