This isnt goodbye

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Natsu's POV

After hours of sitting in the waiting room and visiting Lacey , I got more and more worried by the minute . Right now I'm in the waiting room , not one doctor came to give me a check up on Lucy .

Gajeel and Levy say they'd tell me news of Lucy if I leave , but this is my fault so I have to stay here till I know Lucy's ok . Through out the hours the others visited and checked how I was doing and then they'd go see the baby . I promised Sting I'd protect her and I failed .

What good am I if I can't even protect someone I care about .

I didn't even notice until Lucy's doctor taped me on the shoulder that he was standing there for a while .

"I'm sorry to inform you Mr.Dragoneel but Lucy is in a severe brain damage " the doctor said sadly . I fell apart I started to cry and yell at myself .

"Her family seems to be on a vacation when the incident happen , am I correct " he asked and I just nodded my head they went on a cruise for there anniversary coming up .

"I called them and told them what happened , and to my surprise they said that since there not there and you were one of her closest friends , they want you to decide if we should take her off the machines and let her die peacefully or keep her on and not know when she would come back " the doctor explained to me . It feels like the world is on my shoulder and I'm about to drop it into pieces . Why would they leave this responsibility to me ??

"Can I see her , Please " I asked he then nodded and took me to her room . She was hooked up to all these machines helping her breath . A tube was in her mouth keeping her alive . I walk over to her and the doctors leave the room so I can be alone with her .

I held her hand in mine . "Lucy please wake up now " I said sadly while crying but she gave no response . "I don't know what to do it's like your future is in my hands "

"I can either keep you on the machine and you may never wake up or you can go to heaven and I'd see you again soon " I said hoping Lucy could at least hear people when she's in this state so she can give me a sign .

A nurse came in " Mr.Dragoneel I'm sorry but you need to make the-" she didn't get to finish before I yelled " CAN YOU WAIT A GOD DAMN SECOND " she then backed away into the hall . I took a deep breath .

"Lucy I love you and I'm gonna do what you'd want me to do , I-I'm gonna let you be happy and tell Sting I said hello please , this isn't goodbye , ok this is just .... See you later " I cried the whole time whispering in her ear and holding her hand tighter . The nurse came in and I told her what I've decided she looked down sadly and started turning off the machines one by one . Then last of all she too, out the tube in Lucys mouth and Lucy took her last breath and died . I started to run out of the room not where I was going .

After what felt like hours of running I ended up at my house and I stopped crying because there was no more tears left so I just laid on my bed looking at the ceiling

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2015 ⏰

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