Graduation gone wrong

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Natsu POV

I'm all pumped up , today's the last day of school then I get freedom forever , everyone's dressed fancy for are diplomas . I don't see the big deal so I just dressed in my normal clothes . I walk into school everyone acting all crazy . I stopped as I found the girl I'm looking for .

She was wearing short shorts and a black tank top . She had pearl earrings and pearl necklaces and walking in high heels . I looked at her and saw all the guys whistle and checking her out . I took off my hoodie and wrapped it around her shoulders .

"Natsu what are you doing" Lucy gritted her teeth

"You looked cold" I lied trying to hide my jealousy

"Well I'm not" she shoved my jacket and walked away . I quickly catch up with her .

"Look boys are drooling over you it might make Sting mad " I complained

"Natsu if it bothers you that much then don't look" Lucy simply said

"And Sting said I look fine " Lucy added

I was gonna respond when I saw Loke looking directly at her butt . I walked slowly up yo him and punched him in the face . Everyone became quiet and shocked especially Lucy .

"What the hell Natsu" Lucy yelled at me and helped Loke off the ground .

"I'm taking him to the infirmary" Lucy snapped back and helped Loke walk . He looked back at me and mouthed "Lucy's my slut" . I can't take it I ran up to him and grabbed him out of Lucy's grip and grabbed him by the collar and punched him numerous times he was bleeding so much he blacked out .

I felt people pulling me away from him . Lucy was by Lokes side ,she walked up to me and slapped me and walked away with Loke .

The principal called me in his office , as I walked in his room there was two police officers side by side . I sat down on the leather seat and stared at him with anger in my eyes .

"Natsu Dragoneel you are going to the police station , well see what happens from there" Then the two men pulled me into the police car and we drove off .

Juvia POV

Today I was determined to tell Gray about my feeling toward him . I was walking towards him but there was a girl by him . They were laughing and Gray then kissed her .

"I love you" he smirked

"Love you to" she smiled staring in his eyes . I walked up to them .

"Oh Juvia I want you to meet Vina , she's my girlfriend " He introduced me to her

"Oh your in my algebra class" she said

I was to filled with sadness to even care . How can I live with him if he doesn't love me . I dropped my books and ran crying . I need to escape I can barely breath . Was it all a lie ,him like me .

When I ran outside I saw Natsu in a police car . They drove off I'm guessing he's heading to the police station .

Natsu POV

I arrived at the station and saw two orange haired couple .

"You hurt are little boy " the women screamed

"I want him arrested" the man demanded

"Natsu Dragoneel do you plead guilty " the police officer said . What do I have to lose Lucy hates me now .

"Yes" I quietly said . They walked me to a empty cell .

I can't believe I beat up Loke . He didn't even put up a fight . I kept tapping my shoes together for entertainment . Maybe I deserve this . It was time for lights out , now I'm in the dark and I'm freezing .

Juvia POV

It's midnight and I'm worried about Natsu . I went in my bank account ,I was saving up for a house and my future but a friend needs me . I had 27,000 jewels I only needed 25,000 . I rushed to the police station .

"I'm here to bail Natsu Dragoneel" I said handing the officer the money . He looked surprised then after waiting Natsu came out shocked

"You bailed me out " he said

"I can't picture you in a cell" I smirked

"And plus I need to stay at your house ,I can't look at Gray right now " I sadly smiled and a Natsu agreed .

We walked to his apartment . We walked in and Natsu offered to sleep on the couch but I insisted so he went to his bed . I was about to drift to sleep when . Natsu came running to me and giving me the biggest hug

"Thank you so much " he said . I patted his back

Then he went to bed and so did I . I miss Gray wrapping his arms around me .

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