The unthinkable

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Levy POV

It was 2:03 in the morning and I woke up with a horrible pain in my stomach I could hardly breath . I hurriedly rushed to my phone and dialed Gajeels number . It rang for a good minute until it went to his voicemail .

"Dammit" I said . I clutched my stomach and went to get my keys . I went to my car and started it up and speeded down the street to the hospital . I was taking deep breaths little by little trying to ease the pain .

I finally arrived and wobbly speed walked to the emergency room . First thing I noticed was nurses and doctors rushing to my side . They took me to a room . I then finally realized that I was bleeding the whole time .

"Oh god , please save my baby " I cried to one of the nurses

"We'll do the best we can " the then without warning cut open my stomach and then at the sight I passed out .

Gajeel POV

I woke up to the ring of my phone to find it say private number . I looked at the clock to find it was 4 in the morning . I answered with a roughy hello

"Are you Gajeel Redfox " a voice asked .

"Yes , who is this " I questioned .

"This is nurse sutton , I'm here to tell you at 2 in the morning Levy went into critical condition and you were her emergency contact "

"Oh god " I quickly hanged up and rushed to the hospital . On the way I called Lucy's phone number it went straight to voicemail though .

"Fuck " I mumbled I dialed up Natsu's number

"Hello" he said as if he sounded like he fell out of bed

"Check on Lucy then call everyone to the hospital , Levys having the baby " I said panicked then I hung up and drove faster .

~20 minutes later ~

I ran into the hospital and towards the lady at the front desk . She looked like she was daydreaming until I got her attention .

"Excuse me , but do you know where Levy's rooms at " I asked to quickly .

"What's her last name" she asked

"Ummmm " oh shit I forgot her last name . I started to panic even more

"I think it starts with a L a D ... Wait maybe a C " I said trying to think really hard . The lady was looking at me like I was crazy .

"She has blue hair and is short and pregnant "

"She's in the emergency c section unit , you can't see her now but you can wait in the waiting room . Dammit I'm even more freaked out then I was before . I had no other choice but to sit and wait .

Natsu POV

I knocked on Lucy's door ... No answer . I knock again and still no answer . Why isn't she getting the door shes a light sleeper so she should be up by now .

I decided to call her and it went straight to voicemail . "Dammit" I groan under my breath .

I then decided to throw a rock at her window but there was no response that's when I knew something was wrong . I kicked down the door and rushed to Lucy's room , but she wasn't in there . Natsu then saw the bathroom light was on and rushed in there to find Lucy's head under water . Natsu rushed towards her and pulled her head out of the water . He checked for a pulse but couldn't find one .

"Shit this is my fault " he cried out but carried Lucy to his car and drove to the hospital . After speeding through red lights he made it to the hospital and carried Lucy in and doctors rushed to get Lucy and wheel her in another room leaving Natsu in the waiting room . He then saw Gajeel and sat next to him , none of them saying a single word or glance at eachother .

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