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Juvia POV

"Gray hurry up before I chicken out like the last time " I yelled for him

"Let me finish dressing myself , want me to be naked" he yelled back

Today was the day I'm going to the hospital to see Ultear and apologize to her about the fight at the party . I just hate seeing Ultear it reminded me of someone that's why most of the time I refuse to see her .

"I'm dressed now we can go" Gray grabbed my hand and lead me to the car . I can't believe he loves me , I mean I like him too but I'm not ready to confess not yet . I'm gonna use this to my advantage .

"Hey Gray" I said as he was driving

"What's up " he still looked out on the road

"After we visit Ultear can we go shopping " I asked

"No " he still has his eyes on the road

I unbuttoned two buttons on my shirt and got my puppy eyes ready

"Please Gray sama , Juvia really wants to go " I pleaded

He looked at me and had a nose bleed .

"S-sure a-anything for y-you" he stuttered which I found adorable

"Yay thank you Gray sama " I hugged him while he drove he almost drove off the road .

"Please don't talk in third person it's destructing me " he said

"Ok" we finally made it to the hospital . We walked in and asked for Ultears room , she lead us towards it . I slowly open the door to find a beat up Ultear .

"Juvia , Gray is that you" she weakly asked

"Ya it's us I just wanted to say sorry" I whispered

"I want to say sorry , sorry that I made fun of your sister, sorry I beat her up, and sorry for not being there at her funeral " Ultear said crying her eyes out . I couldn't take it so I left the room and cried on the floor

Gray POV

I remember Wendy Juvias little sister she was so sweet . Me her and Juvia always played pretend . Then one day she was diagnosed with cancer and shortly died . It took Juvia years to get over it . That's why Juvia despised Ultear .

"Gray take care of Juvia for me" she said . I nodded and went in the hall to see Juvia crying I sat down and hugged her she cried on my shoulder

"I love you and so does Wendy" I whispered to her and cried even more , hugging me back .

"Your my best friend " she sniffled through tears. I smiled to myself as I repeated her words in my head .

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