Chapter Four- Michael's forbidden finger

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Rewritten: 2-8-2016

{ c h a p t e r f o u r }

I fumbled nervously with the hem of my floral sweater as I hesitated on eating the wet noodles that lingered on the fork I was holding up in between my fingers. Most hesitated because I wasn't getting any where with the fork. And nervous because my neighbors' gaze was on me the entire time since I began to savor their soup. Which to be honest wasn't bad.

"So what do you think?"Jane questioned as she propped both her elbows of the dinning table and rested her chin on them.

Mom cleared her throat. "Oh dear, it was wonderful, I loved it."She squealed and wiped her face with the navy blue table clothe, clearing her skin from any liquid like substance.

I nodded my head at her and swallowed down the last remaining mouthful.

After mother pulled me out of speaking with Blake; my night and charming armor like a savage, the Millers were standing a foot away from our door step smiling at us and invited us to go eat at their home. Which in my case seemed a bit odd because it was as if there faces didn't get exhausted of being out stretched to smile the entire time. Their son Michael loved to stick his forbidden finger up his nostril and into his mouth in a repetitive motion which now was more than just creepy, and disgusting having to dismantle my appetite for the night.

They were all perfect and Blonde of course. There daughter Brittney was still studying down at her phone, and I knew this because she couldn't just be smiling down at her crock threw dinner.Now could she?

I hovered over to her side a bit with my gaze,trying to look down at her phone which I knew wasn't a positive thing to accomplish and could end up making me look like a complete and utter creep in front of our new neighbors. Thank goodness that her parents were still too busy looking down at Tyler, waiting until he finished the soup. Which wasn't weird at all (note the sarcasm).

I finally spotted her phone and a very familiar face took place on the screen causing my eyes to widen in shock.

She suddenly looked up from her phone and spotted me staring. "I know right isn't he just so HOT!" She squealed all high pitched having me blinking rapidly and clutching my ears and surprised all at once.

My head jerked back suddenly as her closeness which started to nip at my skin. "Uhhhhh,umm..... yah sure he is." I said nervously and scratched the back of my neck at seeing all attention on us now, which for me kind of being anti-social was kind of having me stress on all their eyes on Brittney and I.

Jane, Brittney's mother stared at us in a daze as her light green eyes twinkled like a diamond. "I see our daughters are already gawking over boys hu?"She acknowledged while looking up at my mom the same person who was smiling wildly and already leaning over the table to squeeze my cheeks in tortures pain.

I groaned while shooing her hand away.

"Brittney dear why don't you show Haiden your room and Michael you too." She suggested with a pointed fingers leading up the stair case.

Brittney automatically pulled me out of the dinning chair and up the stairs which for me was kind of a exhausting climb, once she reached her room which was the left door near the stair case, all I was hit with was 5 seconds of summer posters, sparkles left and right. And the one thing that almost had me fainting and my eyes out of their sockets was seeing my neighbors face and body pictures all OVER her ceiling. Talk about obsessed weirdo! I felt like I was at a murder's house not even a stalkers home!

Once my gaze fell from the poster to her all she was giving me was a wicked grin and what I did imagine was evil laughter followed by some lightning.


"Haiden now that we are best friends and what not, I have to tell you a secret, a very big SECRET." She warned while quickly holding onto my wrist and guiding me to take a seat which I did take but nervously.

It was now eight o'clock which clearly breaks my record at the time for not speaking at all for half an hour straight, because Brittney was just self obsessed no offense, it just got to the point where I couldn't even ask permission to us the bathroom because she was record non stop.

I took in profound breaths and smiled up at her sheepishly. "Okay fine hit me with it." Who would I tell? I have no friends whatsoever.

She crossed both hands over her chest and bit nervously at her bottom lip before continuing. "Okay, so do you know this blogger called Cheekygirl35?"She questioned but had me kind of thrown off for a second and confused, what does this have to do with her BIG secret?

"Yes but what does this have to do with the "secret" "I asked as my brows knit.

"Just wait, be patient, take out you phone, and visit her site now." She ordered, which I did do right away, but still confused at the time.

She took out her bedazzled I Phone and before she spoke into it she stared up at me one last time.

"hello my fans today i will be giving you the answer's to your prayers,and yes i am going to steal Blake ,pinewood's all about bad boy's batman underpants ,at the end of the day i will post it on here and i'm also going to leave some of my fans from pinewood high school on the first day of school a very shocking surprise hope you'll wait for it. xoxo your chickygirl."  She said which clearly had me tilting my head in as she pressed the send button and immediately had the message rigging at my phone saying the exact same thing she spoke.

I slowly but cautiously glanced up at her,not believing what my eyes have just encountered. No way in the entire universe she could be chickygirl35......or could she?But it couldn't have been a coincidence , it couldn't have!This cleared up my mind even more and helped me connect the dots all together.

My eyes were twice the size of Steve Buscemis'. I knew then that this plan had to go on and there was no going back now because like chickygirl35's words,

"What I want I get, and there's no stopping me."

I was now in a whole lot of deep trouble.

"And remember that guy I was look at pictures of earlier?" She asked hopefully knowing that I remembered which I did, who could forget a handsome devil like that guy, I mean those eye's!!!!....And I almost did forget he was the neighbor who saved me from a Tyler baseball attack, my instincts where now sensing that things where not going so hot.

"Y-yeah?"My words came out as the most uncertain words I have ever said. I hugged my shoulders with my arms.

"Well now that you know I'm checkygirl35 and about out neighbor, the male from from the picture of course.....I'm going to have to ask for a favor."

Her eyebrows were now dipped, indicating that the tension around us has gotten serious as well with her upcoming words.Her extremely slim manicured fingers laid on my shoulders as her icy eyes boarded threw my own soul.

" Haiden Jefferson you are going to help me stalk Blake Anderson our neighbor."


Author's Note:

So hey guys its roxy the extreme pizzanator!!!! And I hope you guys enjoyed this rewritten chapter, nothing has really changed when I say rewritten its more like edited..... i wanted to make it simple and better but the whole concept of the chapters are still there just written differently. So if that was what you guys were wondering about her is my intake also I wouldn't change the concept and humor of the story in each new rewritten chapter that would just make no sense at all and change my point of uploading this story to wattpad almost three years ago. Well I hope you guys support me and say what you think and other than that I hope you all have a wonderful day and to be positive!!!

until next time my pizanators!!

Love - Rox the fox <3

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