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A/N: please don't be to harsh in the comments ,this is actually my first story and i hope you like it and give it a chance.:):):):):):):):):D:D:

[Rewritten: 3/14/2015]

{ p r o l o g u e }


I crumbled up in my sheets, thrashing and turning as the sweat that raised down my forehead and body multiplied and hastily fell down my chin and neck. The cries and screams of my mother were getting brawny and the longing to help her was still roaming throughout my entire thoughts. It was currently four in the morning and not even two agonizing hours have passed by with the nonstop loud hollers and screams of my parents have interrupted my slumber, every time the sound of a threatening object was heard shatter, my frail, shaky hands tightened around Tyler's frightened, seven-year-old body while his figure laid curled up under me in fear.

         Tyler turned and hid into my chest as another horrifying shatter covered over the sobs of my brother and constructed more tears to plunge painfully down my sweaty cheeks. "H-Hayden, when is it going to end?" He questioned with a shaky voice as I notice that if he continued on with his words and complains that he would be held back and challenged by the obvious lump that consumed his throat in a threat.

        I pulled him even more into my chest and tried my very best to smooth off his worries and screeches with my fingers passing down his scalp. I let pass a shaky sigh and pushed out the words that I had been debating on whether to tell Tyler or not for a couple of minutes now.

           "I'll tell you the truth...I don't know when everything's going to stop, but I do know it's going to be the last time it will ever happen." I stumbled over the words but they successfully left my lips. A lump forced its way into my throat and the tears battled to leave my eyes but holding them back was all I had to focus on making my brother feel safer and trust me with all he's got.

               I had to be the strong one in this situation, I had to be the support of my brother and the only one I have. I planted a soft yet quick kiss on his forehead, bringing my chin to lay on top of his head in a soothing manner.

      His body was still shaking under me and the sound of just the chippering crickets were heard.....nothing more? Everything was silent and my heart picked up its speed. I know that in a situation like this I should have been thankful and relieved that the painful noises of my parents stopped. But the opposite just took place, I didn't know what was happening because everything went silent and that's what frightened me the most, tumbling up questions at me head all at once like;

        What caused them to stop arguing?

         Is everything okay?

         Did they work things out?

        But the one question that actually punctured a profound whole in my heart was if dad hit mom again?

          The amount of sweat that I was producing duplicated even more at just thinking about that question. I had to do something. I had to go see if everything was okay and that mother didn't get harmed this time. I floundered off the bed and rushed towards the door in a panic, I had to do something, this just can't be happening again.

           But way before I even got the chance to turn the nob of the door with my sweaty and shaking fingers I felt a cold yet rough tug at my wrist and I averted my gaze in frustration down at the pressure that held me from prying the door open.

          "Where are you going? Please, Hayden, don't leave me alone." Tyler pleaded and tugged harder at my wrist as his lips quivered in fear.

          I slowly let the door knob part from my fingertips and I squat down in front of my brother. "Look, everything's going to be okay, just stay here, I'm going to see if they stopped fighting that's all." I notified him with caution and carefully pushed away the golden brown locks that stuck to his sweaty forehead with my frail fingers while pulling him into a protective hug.

            "Stay here, and don't open the door till I come back. Do you understand?"

           He rapidly nodded his head beneath my body in understanding before pulling away from my hug. I smile at him sadly and wipe away the salty tears with my thumbs and furrow my eyebrows.

            "Don't worry kid I'll be back," I confirmed and patted his cheeks before standing up and pushing myself out of my room that was barely illuminated with light, only the moon's light streamed through the window but once my bare feet met up with the tile floor of the living room, my eyes squinted and I turned away from the light that was bothering my vision. Soon after blinking multiple times my eyes got adjusted to the lighting of the room which followed the sobs of my mother. I slowly gulp down the lump that immediately crawled up my throat and searched the area where the commotion of her sadness and pain was coming from.

               I pass the living room and nervously enter the kitchen which echoed with rustling and cries, followed by the repeated words of my mother, "He has another woman, he has another woman, he has another woman" She kept sobbing and once I stepped foot in front of the dark corner of the pantry my mother's limbs were on the floor as she shook violently and cried out as tears raced down her cheeks and she rocked back and forth with both hands pressed around her legs.

              "Mom, who has another woman," I said in a shaky voice. I was starting to get a clue at what she meant and at seeing her breaking down into tears gives me a good idea at who has another woman. I fought the tears and ran down to her, draping my hands over her weak body and rubbed softly at her back.

            "He was cheating on me this entire time." She cried even harder while gripping roughly onto my shirt.

             "He cheated on me, and now he won't be coming back. Hayden, he left us, he left us and this time he did pack up all his things, your father left us for good," She whispered between sobs and squeezed me tightly. I was dazed, my body couldn't move, not even my heart did for a second the only thing that acted on my body were the tears that began to pour down my cheek and somehow burned their way towards my chin.

                  "Mom, don't worry everything is going to be okay, you don't need him." I soothed in a tremulous voice and trust me letting those words leave my lips was the most uncertain thing I've ever sworn to someone in my entire life. Those words were so hard to even think of but I had to face reality sooner or later and not cry and sob over my father leaving us, we shouldn't even be crying for Christ sake.

            He was the one that cheated on my mom constantly, he's the one that abused her and he was the cause that my mom laid on the floor, grasping onto my shirt and letting the hurtful cries of his absence to finally be heard. Though my heart is hurting right now because of his leave I had to be the support from now on, I had to be the console in the family or what we have of the family at the time and I was absolutely going to take and work with what I got,  to help my mother and brother at a time like this.

              I painfully pulled apart from my mom's quivering, weak arms and gripped softly at her cheeks while wiping away the liquid that fell from the corners of her eyes as I continued to say the words that were difficult yet a task I was going to reach in order to do something good for once in my life.

"Everything's going to be okay."

* * *

A/N: so this was the first chapter of stalking my neighbor hope you guy's liked it .




Hope you have a pizza wonderful day ;)

xoxo roxy

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