Chapter Five: Batman & Teddy Bear

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REWRITTEN: 3/30/2016

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You know that faculty you get when you regret making a choice at the exact same time you're taking part in it? Well that's how I feel now while I hold my balance as steady as I could possibly presum. Who knew that getting into someone's window could be harder than it seems ? My short finger nails scratched hesitantly at the concret wall once I felt my body quak and Brittney's noodle arms to loosen their grip on my feet regaining a not so athletic Haiden Jefferson to eat grass for dinner.

My entire front fell to the ground as well as sudden shots of ruthless pain to slither down my face and bones. And people ask me why I am so ugly? Here is an example to why!

I push my force onto my back, now facing the midnight sky blanketed with stars ....until Brittney ruined the view with her butt in my face as well as her weight. People say that skinny girls weigh as they look but her bones are telling me a different story. I groan lowly in frustration. Who told me to agree to this blonde full of dumbness. Oh wait I did? Which was the worst mistake of my entire life, mom said I had to make friends and I REALLY didn't understand how agreeing to stalk an innocent male across from my street was helping at all. What the hell did Jefferson get herself into?

I mentally face palm myself and pushed the blondes rear-end out of my view as well.

"Are you really sure he is at football practice?" I waited for her clear verification before I took action to move any muscle from my body.

She blinked down at me obtusely. "I am really, really sure, I know his entire schedule as well as his weekend schedule, now don't think i'm a creep just think of it as an experiment."

I cringed at her last words. No one would be nonsensical enough to call what we are doing an "experiment" . Plus once I heard she knew his ENTIRE schedule I almost ran for the door....well that's after I ran away again once I saw a picture of my sexy neighbor on Brittney's ceiling....seriously the ceiling, why not just the wall which would have made it look less awkward and unusual ,her having that picture of him seventy percent naked just a view away from a bed was the most eldritch thing I have ever encountered since Jeremy my old neighbor in girl underpants...which for everyone's information was darn creepy.

Seriously the creepiness never does end...

I propelled myself off of the ground consumed of moist grass and soil and hugged myself with my quacky hands. I was nervous even more when you can't climb into a stranger's window while time is taking a tole on you.

I dusted off the back of my jeans while I perched my lips in action of keeping my mouth shut. I had so many negative things to say right now that would really earn me a black eye and denters. But of course I had to behave properly like a discreet young lady and focus on more major things like, the fact that I was sneaking into my neighbor's room, a male's room. And most important of all, what I was doing was 100% illegal!

"Come on grow some balls and get ready. If we don't hurry up we'll get caught." She rushed while pacing over to the window above her.

.....but I don't even have any!!!!

I heaved in a breath and jogged towards her and her awkward position of her squatting knees and jazz hands. " Fine but you still owe me my twenty bucks."I murmured.

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