Chapter 15

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No One's Pov

It was still afternoon, And two figures sat comfortably inside the studio room. Jinhee sighed as she smiled at the camera and looked through the comments that were flooding on another computer screen,

'Jinhee-Eonnie, Is Jungkook-Oppa with you?' A fan asked, she smiled and pouted.

"Ani. My Little brother isn't here, He's probably in their dorms sleeping or playing on his phone." She answered in english, Suga looked at her and watched her do her live.

'Eonnie! Can you sing See you Again?' Another one of her viewers suggested making her contemplate.

'Please!' A lot of them flooded making her giggle.

"Arasseo Arasseo~ I'll do it for you guys," She said with a smile, She clicked a few codes in the computer and made her camera switch angles, and so the viewers saw her side viewed.

She swiveled her chair to face the piano and her mic, She looked at the camera and smiled. Yoongi leaned on his palms a smile stretching on his lips as he heard the soft melody from the piano. Jinhee sighed and removed her blue headphones and fixed her hair into a bun before wearing themm once again. After which she played the piano and sung with a smile.

(Play the Music)


Yoonrin's Pov

The six of us ended up seeing each other and by six I mean, Minseo and Hobi, Yoonmin and Taehyung, and lastly Me and Jimin. My phone buzzed out of the blue making me check it, I gasped and looked at the girls.

"Jinhee went live earlier!" I said with a squeal, can't blame me now, can you? It's been months since she did a live!.

"Jinja?! How about all six of us watch it ne? I think the boys are curious" Minseo eonnie suggested with a grin.

"Ne~" We answered and sat by a bench, It was still 7 pm so we had enough time to watch it since our apartment was near.

After the video

"Wah... I can never get enough of Jinhee-Eonnie's voice!" Minseo said with a smile, We were currently walking to our apartment with the boys.

"Oh? Yoongi?" I asked as we stared at the patio where both Jinhee and Yoongi sat looking up at the empyrean heavens.

I couldn't help but gush at how cute they looked, Jinhee eonnie was laughing at something Yoongi said.

"Eonnie! We're home!" I said with a smile, she looked towards us and smiled.

"Ah, what took you guys so long?" She asked, the boys rubbed their napes while we look at them accusingly.

"Hahaha, It's fine. I had fun and plus it was less noisy in the house" She said with a smirk, I gasp dramatically and clutched my heart.

"Is that how you feel about us?" I asked, she shook her head and laughed.

"When have I ever thought bad about you guys?" She asked playfully.

We said our goodbyes to the boys and entered the house. As we sat on the sofa, we faced Jinhee eonnie while she scrolled on her phone.

"So...why did you suddenly do a live eonnie?" Yoonmin asked, Jinhee hummed and looked up from her phone.

"Ah, I was bored so I made a live... why?" She asked, we looked at each other and nodded with a smirk.

"So...YooHee huh?" Minseo Eonnie said with a teasing smile.

"E-Eh?! I can say the same to you SeoHo!" She fired back making Minseo Eonnie blush.

"Hahaha, so what did you guys do here then?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows as I smirked.

"Well we recorded my Live, played instruments and watched. Wae? Did something happen between you and Jimin?" She asked with a suggestive look, I flushed in embarrassment, my tongue felt numb as I looked at her with a flustered look.

"Aigoo, Unnie is so suggestive!" Yoonmin said with a pout.

"Aigoo, MinMin is inlove with TaeTae" she replied with a smirk, I looked at her in disbelief.

"Yah! Unnie~! Why are you so savage?!" I asked with a whine, She giggled and patted my head.

"It's because I'm like this!" She replied before going inside the Recording room.

I sighed and went up to my own room, after shutting the door I slided down to the floor. My face still flushed as I remembered the events. I couldn't help but smile, quickly, I fished out my phone and opened the gallery. I opened the photo and smiled, the gradient sky was perfectly captured along with the grassy field and the sunset. A smile lingered on my lips as I hugged my phone closer.

"Aigoo...why am I like this?" I asked myself as I looked out of my window.

Yoonmin's Pov

I leaned on the kitchen's counter, a glass of water on my other hand while a smile stretched on my lips. The time I spent with Taehyung in the arcade was worth it, it was fun and cute to say the least. Even when we went to the restaurant, it felt magical. I placed my free hand on my chest and heaved out a sigh.

'Why am I feeling this way?'

Minseo's Pov

Ah, I still vividly remember the fun we had in the Zoo. The way Hoseok shivered behind me due to his fear of snakes. I giggled and rested my head on the couch, Even though it was simple I really enjoyed the time we spent together.

'My heart feels like its gonna explode'

Jinhee's Pov

I sat in the studio room, my hands placed on the keys. I could feel my heartbeat fasten as I remembered the time we spent together. It was simple to say the least but saying that I enjoyed it was an understatement, it felt nice to be with him even if we just stayed at home. My cheeks warmed up as I shook my head and smiled to myself. I took my phone from the table and opened a picture. I was seated in front of my computer but my back was facing it, beside me was yoongi who was seated on a spare chair we had in the room. We were smiling as we looked at the camera, I let out a chuckle and looked at the computer.

'Why do I have these fuzzy feelings?'

Annyeong!! Queen_Kim_Jinhee here! So Eylehh and I thought of something. So we're currently doing alternate writing. I wrote chapters 11, 13, 15 and she wrote Chapters 12 and 14 for this five updates. So the next five will also be in alternate writing which means she will write chapter 16. Now the interesting part here is that, we have a specified time to finish a certain chapter if we don't we get PUNISHMENTS. The punishment is something we dread to have. Shall I tell you the punishment? I guess... so we dont get to Watch/ Read about/ Look at Kpop and Kdrama for a whole week and if we cheat we get additional 3-4 days depending on how severe you've cheated. That's all see you guys in the next 5 updates!

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