Goodmorning Flashback

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"And if I died today, I would want to die in your arms. I'd want to feel your heartbeat one last time. Feel your warm embrace. Kiss you one last time just to let you know that I love you ... Forever."

Light shone through the window of Eren's bedroom as he slowly opened his eyes. Trying to adjust, he let out a small groan and sighed heavily. There was a big day ahead for him and Eren wasn't really feeling it. He knew that Mikasa would make him do all the lawn work while she and Jean, her fiancé for a year, sat on the porch watching him struggle. This made a wave of anger quickly shoot through his stomach, but quickly went away when he felt two arms hug his waist tighter.

"Good morning" said the sleepy blonde as he smiled that bright and beautiful smile at Eren.

Eren shifted his head until his eyes met peaceful ocean blues. He loved the way Armin looked when he woke up. It always put a smile on his face. He sat up slightly to plant a kiss on the beauty's lips but was quickly rejected.

"Whoa there speed racer" Armin joked "I haven't brushed my teeth yet, my breath is probably bad."

Eren smirked. "And I'm pretty sure mine is too so come here."

He finally managed to connect his lips with Armin's. The way morning kisses felt was like walking into a factory of pure cookies. It was amazing! Though it only lasted a short time, both boys flushed as they slowly pulled away from each other. Eren placed his forehead on Armin's forehead and stared in his eyes. This made Armin flush a darker red.

"You're so cute when you do that." Eren teased as he climbed off of Armin and stood up by his bedside.

He chuckled and made his way to the bathroom. Once he was in, Armin flopped back down on the bed and covered his face with his hands. He was so in love with Eren. So so so in love! He started to think about how they got together. He remembered every little detail like it was yesterday ...


"Armin, are you ready for this?!" Eren nearly screamed as they both sat in their seats on the roller coaster ride.

This was Armin's first time on a roller coaster and he wasn't too happy about it. He let Eren talk him into trying something he didn't like once again. He took a deep breath as he closed his eyes tight.

"You idiot, the ride hasn't even started yet.." Scuffed Levi.

He and Petra decided to tag along since they were all off and didn't have anything to do. Armin looked back at the emotionless man with pleading eyes. Levi just shook his head and looked over to Petra, who was humming to herself quietly and looking around.

"Petra .. How can you be so calm!? What if the seat belt comes off?? What if we get stuck on a loop?! Oh my god what if .. What if !.."

"For the love of god, Armin, shut it and just turn around. We're not gonna die. Now be quiet and let the man check your seat belt!"

Levi had enough. He just couldn't take Armin's negativity about the ride. Why couldn't he just enjoy and shut up? He was quickly snapped out of his anger by Petra. She slapped his arm and pinched him, making him jump up a bit and whimper in pain.

"Don't talk to Armin like that Levi! He's just a little scared is all. Let's not bring up YOUR first roller coaster ride."

Armin and Eren started to laugh while Levi's face turned into a tomato. As of right now, Petra was his number one enemy and he proved that by giving her his famous death glare. She leaned over and kissed his cheek and added in an 'I love you' before setting back and laughing.

"I just wish this ride would start already.." Levi mumbled under his breath.

Somehow, The Lord heard his prayers as everyone heard the announcer announce that the ride will now begin. Eren was so excited! Petra stopped laughing, but her smile still remained on her face. Armin's mood completely changed from calm to 'oh my god my life is over'. And Levi .. Well .. Levi's face remained the same.

"Here we go guys! You ready!? Here it comes!" Eren shrieked as they stopped at the top of the ride.

He looked over to his best friend and saw that he had his eyes closed and was praying that he stayed in the seat at all times. Eren laughed and looked back at Levi and Petra. Petra gave him a thumbs up while Levi just sat there ... Motionless and straight faced. He turned around and smiled in excitement. Just then, he felt a sweaty and shaky hand grab his.

"Armin, open your eyes" he chucked "we're about to drop!"

Armin opened one eye and that's when everything hit the fan. Screams of joy and horror filled the air as the ride whipped and swirled around.

"This is the best ride ever!" Petra screamed with her hands high in the air.

"I agree!" Eren shot back at her.

Meanwhile, Levi was just sitting there. He let out a 'whoa' here and there but overall, he was enjoying himself. No one really knew, but he liked it better that way. Armin... Poor Armin, he was scared out of his wits! With every turn and flip came a cry of hate, fear, and regret. He clenched onto Eren's hand tighter as they slowly reached their stop. Once there, they got off quickly so the next load could board. Levi helped Petra out and stood by the exit hand in hand. Eren, however, tried to move Armin but he was frozen where he sat. It took Eren and two workers just to get him off. "Never again" was all you heard from Armin.

"Wow was that ride rad or what!" Petra screamed as they walked.

" was alright. I've rode better." Sneered Levi.

Eren and Petra giggled like children but Armin didn't find it funny at all.

"Armin are you alright?" Questioned Levi as he lifted an eyebrow.

He didn't answer. He just walked in a haze.

"You guys go ahead, we'll catch up later." Eren assured.

With that, they were gone. Eren grabbed Armin by his waist and held him close. He felt Armin shaking and started to rub his back. Slowly he started to calm down. Eren looked at him and smiled.

"You ok?"

"Yeah.. I just don't like roller coasters.."

"I can see that" Eren giggled "but it's all over now so just try to calm down ok?"

Armin nodded and laid his head on Eren's shoulder. Suddenly, Eren gripped Armin's waist tighter causing him to pick his head up. He ran right into Eren's trap as Eren caught Armin's lips into a reassuring kiss. His eyes were wide but then he started to kiss back. After a few minutes, they pulled away panting.

"What was that for?" Armin questioned shyly.

Eren just smiled and took Armin's hand into his, intertwining their fingers.

"Just making sure my boyfriend's alright."

Armin looked into Eren's eyes and smiled. Did he really call him boyfriend? Either way, it didn't matter. He kissed Eren one last time and they both walked in search for Levi and Petra.

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