Are you dying?

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They were sitting on the sofa. Geoff was emailing with managers and Awsten was writing new lyrics. Everything normal until Awsten sneezes. Geoff immediately looks up at Awsten and scrutinises him; Awsten doesn't notice. Geoff has noticed since this morning that his baby has been a little sniffly. Geoff  stares wide-eyed at him, without saying a word. Awsten sneezes again and Geoff slams his laptop shut and throws it next to him on the sofa. He scoots closer to Awsten, looking worriedly at his face. Awsten stares back - confused. He seems paler and his cheeks and nose are rosier. Awsten sneezes again.

"Oh my god, baby! Do you have the flu? Are you dying?" Geoff questions as he puts his fingers on Awsten's forehead to check his temperature. He seems warmer than usual.

"Geoff, I'm fine!" Awsten laughs as he takes Geoff's hand away. Geoff does not think this is funny. What if his precious baby really is sick? As he finishes laughing, Awsten breaks into a coughing fit and that's the last straw for Geoff. He lifts Awsten up and carries him to the bedroom. "Buuuuuut Geee!" Awsten whines.

"No. You are sick and will be taken care of." Geoff insists. He tucks Awsten into bed and sits next to him; stroking his hair. Awsten sighs and tries to get up, but Geoff pushes him down. "No," Geoff demands in a low voice. "I want you to rest because it's freaking me out that I can hold you down this easily." Awsten knows to obey protective Geoff because there is no winning.

Awsten holds his hands up defensively, "Okay!" Geoff nods affirmatively. He puts on the TV and gives the remote to Awsten. "I am going to make you soup." Geoff states and leaves.

"But—" Awsten starts, but can't finish because Geoff has left. He sighs and puts on The Office.

A little while later, Geoff comes back with soup to find that Awsten is asleep. "Hey, Aws. Wake up, Sunshine." Awsten blinks his eyes open and sits up.

"Thanks, Gee. You know you really don't have to. I'm fine." Awsten persists as he blows on a spoon of soup.

"I can tell you're sicker than you're letting on." Geoff sighs. Awsten rolls his eyes and coughs again. Geoff takes the soup from his lap while he finishes the coughing fit. Awsten glares at Geoff's 'I told you so' face. Geoff rolls his eyes.

Awsten sips the soup and pulls a face, "It tastes weird." Awsten whispered, his voice croaky and weak.

Geoff sighs, "Stop wasting what is left of your voice, complaining about soup you can't even taste." Awsten sighs and continues eating.

"I'm going to the pharmacy later to pick up some cold and flu medicine." Geoff explains, rubbing Awsten's side.

Awsten perks up at this, "Can I come?" Geoff has a debate in his head and decides that maybe some fresh air couldn't hurt. Boy, was he wrong.

At the pharmacy, Awsten passed out. You can imagine Geoff's worry when one second Awsten was leaning on his shoulder and the next he's doing an impromptu trust fall. They leant his legs up against the wall until he came around.

Once Awsten stood up, Geoff instructed, "Just put your arm around my— or just fall on me. That works, too." Geoff managed to get Awsten on his back and carry him home. They only lived a four-minute walk away, so Geoff thought the trip would be fine.

Awsten woke up in bed and couldn't remember why. He couldn't understand why his head hurt so much or why he couldn't smell. He saw that he was leant on Geoff's chest. He looked up and his vision blacked out for a second before he saw Geoff's worried face.

"Wha?" Awsten asked. It made Geoff chuckle and stroke his head comfortingly.

"You passed out at the Pharmacy, darling." Geoff muttered and kissed Awsten's temple. It took a little while for it to process in Awsten's head.

"Sorry." Awsten murmured and looked at Geoff's lap where a laptop was settled. He could make out that it was some kind of cold and flu information website.

Geoff smiled and stroked Awsten's hair again, saying, "You don't have to be sorry about it love."

Awsten moved and sat up on the edge of the bed; he needed to pee. Geoff came around to the side of the bed that Awsten was on and tried to help him. "I can do it by myself." Awsten claimed.

Geoff smiled and held onto his boyfriend. "You wanna walk by yourself? Alright, let's see that." Geoff stood back but was very prepared to catch him. As expected, on the second step Awsten stumbled and - much to his annoyance - accepted help. "It's only 'cause I love you, Sweetheart." Geoff remarked.

"I know. I love you too." Awsten replied. Geoff kissed his temple again and helped him to the bathroom.

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