Thunderstorms and music

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Awsten whimpers, as he shuffles closer to Geoff. There's a storm brewing outside; thunder clapping around the house. This thunderstorm was particularly loud and boisterous; Awsten was shaking from the noise. Geoff pulled him closer to his chest and stroked his hair comfortingly. From the bed, they could see flashes of light every so often; it had Awsten curious. Awsten loved to look at pretty things like stars or fire - the more it glows the better it is. This is why it fascinated him, no matter how much it scared him. He whimpered again, making Geoff hold him tighter.

"Geoff?" Awsten asked, voice trembling. He gripped onto Geoff's shirt for comfort and nuzzled his face into Geoff's neck. Geoff rubbed his back and hummed, telling Awsten to continue. "I want to watch the storm." Awsten muttered into his ear.

Geoff was confused for a second before he observed, "But you're afraid." Awsten rolled his eyes - he knew he was afraid, but that didn't stop him wanting to watch it.

"I know that, but it looks pretty and I want to see more." He whined. A booming crack of thunder that sounded like a whip, in a vague sense, sent shocks through the house. Awsten almost shot out of his skin in terror. Geoff laughed at him a little, stroking his hair again.

"I have an idea." Geoff stated. He reached across the bed and took his phone and earphones from the bedside table. He went onto his Spotify and hit shuffle on Awsten's favourite playlist. He then pushed Awsten up and gave him the phone. "Get up and I'll. Bring the duvet over to the window seat." Geoff instructed.

Awsten complied and, true to his word, Geoff brought the duvet over. Geoff sat on the windowsill first and beckoned Awsten to sit in his lap. Awsten did and Geoff wrapped the duvet around them both. They turned to face the window and the scene outside was amaranthine. The beauty of the darkness contrasting with lightning bolts was striking. The rain was pelting the window, but Awsten couldn't hear a thing. He had the earphones in. Not even when the thunder was strong enough to shake the house did he hear it. Geoff was content with resting his head on top of Awsten's and hearing the rain pitter patter. It was times like this that Geoff was that much gladder to have Awsten as his, even with all his quirks.

It was a little while later that the storm had moved on to the far away hills. The darkness still clung to the house and rain still invited itself into their garden. Awsten took his earphones out and asked a question. It was strange and sudden and odd. "Ya know Cinderella?" He starts.

Geoff gives a suspicious look that Awsten can only see in the reflection in the window. "Yeah?" Geoff answers hesitantly. He's kind of scared to know what was coming next.

"Would you cut off your toes to be with me like the  sisters did in the Hans Anderson tale?" Awsten questioned.

Geoff, shocked, took a little while to reply. "Well, Aws... We're soulmates. We'd be together anyway. If anything, I'd be Cinderella. But, just for the record, I'd do anything for you. Even cut off my toes." Geoff responds. Awsten leans up and kisses him because that answer was so sweet.

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